Weekly News - 14th January 2024

This weekend’s Bible readings:

Isaiah 42:1-7 (p 727) and John 12:35-36 (p 1080)

All Saints@6 this Sunday:

John will be teaching on marriage and celibacy at All Saints@6 this Sunday. There will be opportunity for discussion afterwards. All are welcome.

PCC Meetings:

There seems to have been some confusion about the date of the PCC meetings. Please note that they will be on 18th January at 7.30 in All Saints. This was changed last month from the original date.

Sunday lunch at The Star:

Heather’s next Sunday lunch at the The Star will be on 28th January at 12.15pm. Please confirm your place by phoning on 07909 065550.

Recital in Ware:

On Thursday 18th January, Michael is giving an organ recital at St Mary's Church Ware at 12.30pm. This is a repeat of the Songs and Dances programme he played at Standon in the Autumn. If you would like to come along you'd be very welcome.

Little Angels - helpers needed:

Little Angels, our carer and toddler group in St Mary’s on Friday mornings between 9 and 11 is becoming more and more popular and we need some more helpers! All that’s required is to help with refreshments and help putting out and away the children’s equipment (it’s not heavy!). There will be a rota so it doesn’t mean every week. Please contact Basma if you can help.


Our benefice website is on the www.achurchnearyou.com platform. The benefice page can be reached via this link: https://www.achurchnearyou.com/benefice/32-240BF/. The forward from https://ubsms.org.uk should point to that page.

Services for the next few weeks

Midweek services each week:

Tuesdays, 9.30am Holy Communion (BCP), St Catherine's

Wednesdays, 9.30am Morning worship & Bible study, St Mary's

Sunday services:

14th January 10.30am Holy communion, St Mary's

6.00pm All Saints@6, All Saints

21st January 8.00am Holy communion, St Mary's

10.30am Holy communion, All Saints

6.00pm All Saints@6, All Saints

28th January 10.30am All age worship, St Mary's

6.00pm Choral evensong, St Mary's

4th February 8.00am Holy communion, St Mary's

10.30am Morning worship, All Saints

11th February 10.30am Holy communion, St Mary's

6.00pm All Saints@6, All Saints