Weekly News - 10th September 2023

This weekend’s Bible readings:

Romans 13:8-14(p 1140) and Matthew 18:15-25 (p 985)

Christianity Explored:

The Alpha course has become Christianity Explored, it has been delayed for a week and will now take place in the Benefice!!

The reason for this is, very sadly, St James Thorley have had to withdraw their offer to host at the last minute. So we will run it ourselves, but use Christianity Explored, another course very like Alpha. One reason for this is that it is shorter (7 weeks) and this means that John can lead it. However, that means it will start a week later (on Wednesday 20th September) when he returns from holiday. It also means that the venue will be with us. At present that will be in the Vicarage, as we can all fit in (just!), but if we have more take up (which God-willing we will) we may move over to All Saints Little Munden.

Keep praying! God, by his Holy Spirit, is at work in all of this!

All Saints @ 6:

Now that we have moved our Centre service to 6 o’clock and changed the format a little, we have decided to change the name to All Saints@6. We are still very much an informal café church but there is now a varying programme for the three weeks of the month (the other is Evensong). Some services (like next week) will be invitational: Joe Boot will be leading a Question and Answer session following a talk on ‘Worldviews in Conflict’, a topic which will interest many, Christian or otherwise. This week however is a time of prayer. Please join us!

Knit & Natter group:

If you like knitting or crocheting, come and join us for a couple of hours in the Sargant room at the back of Standon village hall at 2pm, usually on the 2nd Thursday of each month. Tea & cakes will be available. Our next meeting will be on Thursday 14th September. For more information please contact Marion on 01920 745683.

Sunday lunch at The Star:

Heather's next Sunday lunch will be on Sunday 24th September at 12.15pm at The Star in Standon. Please contact Heather before Monday 18th September to book a place (07909 065550).

Midweek Music:

Midweek Music at St Mary’s will return on Wednesday 27th September, when Michael will be giving an organ recital.

Lunchtime concert season:

Our lunchtime concert season in St Mary’s is almost upon us. This year’s concerts will be 30th September, 7th and 14th October. The programme will be:

30th September The Rib Singers, directed by David Ranford

7th October Bella Cora, directed by Ros Savournin

14th October Flute Cocktail, directed by Wendy Walshe

A soup and cheese lunch will be served from 12.00, with concerts taking place at 12.30. As usual, we ask for £5 to cover lunch, and there will be a retiring collection for the Friends of St Mary’s.

Basma’s cookery evening – advance notice:

Basma will be hosting another demonstration of Levantine cookery, followed by supper, in the Memorial Hall, Dane End, at 7.00 pm on 21st October. Tickets are available from any of the Sacombe PCC. Proceeds will go to St Catherine’s. We recommend booking early – these always sell out very quickly!

Wednesday café:

Our All Saints church cafe team is desperate for helpers on a Wednesday afternoon, (term time only) to serve the children and parents with cake and drinks between 2.30 and 4.30pm. Deborah normally helps with the children’s work and chats with the parents building up important relationships but now she will be needed to help serve. Please consider helping even if it is a one off. We can guarantee you will enjoy your time there! Please speak to Deborah, Carole or Lizzie (B).

Help needed for Little Munden churchyard:

We desperately need more volunteers to help maintain the churchyard at All Saints. If you can offer some time, please speak to John.

News of Charlie, who was our curate:

Charlie will be licensed to her new parish of St. Stephen’s with St Julien’s in St Albans at 5.30pm on Monday 2nd October. All are welcome.

Website - changes:

Our benefice website is on the www.achurchnearyou.com platform. The ACNY platform has been/is rolling out a number of changes to improve their site so that benefice information doesn’t need to be duplicated for each church. Please bear with us as we work to populate the new pages.

Some people have been having difficulty reaching the benefice page. It can be reached via this link: https://www.achurchnearyou.com/benefice/32-240BF/. The forward from https://ubsms.org.uk has been updated to point to that new page.

Services for the next few weeks

Midweek services each week:

Tuesdays, 9.30am Holy Communion (BCP), St Catherine's

Wednesdays, 9.30am Morning worship & Bible study, St Mary's

Sunday services:

10th September 10.30am Morning worship, St Mary's

6.00pm All Saints @ 6, All Saints

17th September 8.00am Holy communion, St Mary's

10.30am Holy communion, All Saints

6.00pm All Saints @ 6, All Saints

24th September 10.30am Harvest family worship, St Mary's

6.00pm Choral evensong, St Mary's

1st October 8.00am Holy communion, St Mary's

10.30am Harvest morning worship, All Saints

6.00pm All Saints @ 6, All Saints

8th October 10.30am Holy communion, St Mary's

6.00pm All Saints @ 6, All Saints