Recent minus temperatures and frosted landscapes reminded me of Narnia, in C S Lewis’ children’s classic, ‘The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe’ – a story for adults too. The evil White Witch had laid a spell over the land so it would be ‘always winter and never Christmas.’ Her power is broken by the return of the great lion, Aslan, the Christ figure. His breath restores to life the creatures she’s turned to stone, ends the snowy desolation and enables Father Christmas to bring the children gifts to help in their heroic adventures – a sword and shield for Peter, a bow, arrows and hunting horn for Susan and a vial of healing potion for Lucy.
It seems a magical Christmas story but it’s about Easter. Aslan strikes a bargain with the White Witch to save the weak, foolish Edward. He substitutes himself and dies in his place, killed by the witch on the Stone Table. His friends are stricken with grief. All hope of freedom and new life is gone. Good seems defeated. But next morning the table cracks, Aslan returns to life, frees the prisoners in the White Witch’s castle and leads the fight against her army. A royal Saviour rises from death. The people are set free. Evil is defeated. Spring appears again throughout the land – an image of our Easter.
‘He (Jesus) comes to break oppression,
to set the captive free;
to take away transgression,
and rule in equity...
to help the poor and needy,
and bid the weak be strong...
He shall come down like showers
upon the fruitful earth,
and love, joy, hope, like flowers,
spring in his path to birth;
before him on the mountains
shall peace, the herald, go;
and righteousness in fountains
from hill to valley flow...
(Hail to the Lord’s Anointed - hymn)
with love and prayers