About Us

Witnessing to the transforming power of Christ's love, St John’s is a warm, welcoming and diverse community.

Our Sunday worship ranges from quite and reflective at the 8am. Videos and action songs at the 9am to a traditional but relaxed service with choir and organ at the 10am. Some people come to more than one!

We have a monthly informal service at 5pm on a Sunday evening.

We have different courses that run throughout the year, some ongoing and some 'one offs' on different topics of interest. 

Our “Growing Disciples” provide fun and learning for younger children and our choir welcomes new members - adults and children.

We reach out into the community through our own Primary School, “Shirley Neighbourhood Care”, and the Local Foodbank. Christian Aid is supported throughout the year and we are members of Inclusive Church. To our delight we have just been awarded an Eco Church Bronze Award

We run a Sunday afternoon Tea Room offering home made cakes and cream teas and Fairtrade beverages every week.