Facilities and features
Several Loos, including one Disabled, available with level access at West end.
Full facilities at West end
Parking for 30 cars in churchyard. Multi-storey immediately opposite
All Loos level access
Vehicle Access direct to West Door - Level entrance to church
Stored in church. It is complete with simple instructions for use.
Level access to most of the church. We have portable ramp for access to the Memorial Chapel
T loop in church
We have several large print hymn books, orders of service and notice sheets
Assistance dogs most welcome
As well as a general Awareness, we host a special 2hr event each Tuesday specially for those with Dementia. From January 2019 there will also be a monthly session for Young Dementia sufferers on the 2nd Wednesday of each month
We always have gluten-free. Just ask and we'll happily supply
Level access to most of the church (including disabled loo) and we have designated spaces for wheelchair users where they can see and hear. We have a ramp for access to the Memorial Chapel if needed
Our Building
Large East Window by Kempe. Memorial Chapel windows by Clayton & Bell.
We have an active group who care about the environment in general and our churchyard in particular, running regular eco walks. We have also installed several Swift Boxes. More information at https://www.allsaintshertford.org/eco.php and see pictures of the installation of Swift Boxes at https://www.allsaintshertford.org/2019/jun19msc.pdf
Our boiler keeps the church at a steady 16C
Our disabled Loo has full Baby Changing facilities
All Saints is Grade II* listed.
Music and Worship
We have a fine peal of ten bells. More information at www.allsaintshertford/bells.php
We host many concerts. As well as our own weekly concerts Soundbites http://allsaintshertford.org/concerts.php#soundbites and a monthly Saturday Morning short Choral Concert Heavenly Harmonies https://www.allsaintshertford.org/concerts.php#HH we are partners with the Hertfordshire Festival of Music http://www.hertsmusicfest.org.uk/ and host concerts by Hertford Choral Society http://www.hertfordchoral.org.uk/, Hertford Symphony Orchestra and many others. See www.allsaintshertford,org/concerts.php for current events.
We are fortunate to have a marvellous instrument whose core is a 'Father' Willis of 1899. Full details, with pictures and specifications at www.allsaintshertford.org/organ.php. We also have a 3-stop box organ built by gary Crane for Justin Sillman Organs ?1983
Our 8:00 am Communion on Sundays uses BCP.
We have a choir which includes children, Choral Scholars and Adults (Some semi-professional). Whilst we are a Parish Choir we strive to provide the best possible musical support to our services. More information at www.allsaintshertford.org/choir.php and www.allsaintshertford.org/muslist.php .
Our band plays at the 10.00am All the Family Service on the First Sunday of the month
Groups, Courses and Activities
Try our Hot Choc stop every Monday in Term-time 15.15-16.30
We have a regular Bible Book Club. More information at www.allsaintshertford.org/biblebookclub.php
We hold regular Coffee Mornings, often combined with a GreenWatch talk on the second Saturday of each month. To match the Mayor making this is usually on 3rd Saturday of May (combined with a Plant Sale). The second Saturday in September is combined with the annual Bike & Hike and Tower Opening
We host regular meetings of the Young Onset Dementia Group (monthly on the second Wednesday) and weekly meetings of a group for Dementia sufferers and their carers run by HertsWise every Tuesday morning
Our Messy Church programme has been running for many years. Please visit www.allsaintshertford.org/messy.php for more information.
We have the only functioning MU branch in our Deanery. A lively bunch, more are always welcome. Please visit www.allsaintshertford.org/mu.php
We have used this course and will do again. More information at www.allsaintshertford.org/2017/sept17ld.pdf
We support the work of the Herts/Ware Street Pastors both with people and money. More information at https://streetpastors.org/locations/hertford-ware/
Help for Visitors
We have a range of information about us and our church, ranging from a short overview to a comprehensive history. Most are available online and can be accessed via https://www.allsaintshertford.org/church.php
The Church is usually open as follows:
Sunday 7.45-12.00 and 17.45-20.00
Monday 8.00-8.30 15.00-16.30 17.00-17.30
Tuesday 8.00-8.30 17.00-17.30
Wednesday 8.00-8.30 10.00-14.00 17.00-17.30
Thursday 8.00-8.30 10.45-12.00 17.00-17.30
Saturday 9.30-10.00
Other times by arrangement
Other Features
We support the work of FairTrade, using their products wherever possible, and use compostable materials as far as possible
We support the work of the Hertford Foodbank https://hertforddistrict.foodbank.org.uk/
We have a hearing loop and offer a variety of other aids. Please contact us for more details
Our St John's hall is available for hire - though already heavily used by the community. More information at www.stjohnshallhertford.org