Facilities and features


We have a toilet but it is not accessible for people with mobility problems.

Car parking is available along the grass verge of the long church drive

The hearing loop is always on for services at the church

Large print hymn books are available on request

Are welcome in church

Tewin is a designated dementia awareness village with a number of people including the vicar and churchwarden having been trained for this

Gluten-free communion wafers are available on request

Occasional use of British Sign language in services

Our Building

The church is open for private prayer every day from about 9am to 6pm

We have Victorian and 20th century stained glass windows

We are working towards our Bronze-Eco award and have so far installed new LED lights in the church this year

St Peter's is a Grade 1 listed, Saxon church with additions made in the Norman, medieval and every century up to the present day

The closest Post Office is at Tewin Stores three times a week - Monday 1.30 - 3.30pm, Wednesday and Friday 9.30 - 11.30am

Music and Worship

St Peter's bell ringers often win bell ringing competitions. Our bells were repaired and restored in 2021. We often train new bell ringers here. Bell ringing practice is on Wednesdays from 8pm. New ringers are always welcome

St Peter's has excellent acoustics and so from time to time is a welcome venue for concerts and live music. Various musicians and small choirs use it for music practice

We have an electric organ

The Book of Common prayer is used for weekly Monday Evening prayers at 5pm and for Sung Evensong on the third Sunday every other month at 6.30pm

We have a small choir for Evensong, Summer Evensong and for special services such as Christmas, Easter and Harvest

Groups, Courses and Activities

We have Messy Church on the third Sunday each month from 3 - 4.30pm

Are welcome at all services and at Messy Church

Help for Visitors

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