<div>As we're not permitted to offer public worship due to the current health crisis, for the foreseeable future we shall be live streaming our church service at 10am on Sundays from our church website. For latest changes and updates, always refer to our church website. To find us, type https://www.stfranciswgc.org.uk/ into the address bar of your web browser or search engine (e.g. Google). From the Homepage, click on the 'Virtual Church' box and this will take you to the livestreaming of the current Sunday's 10am service, videos of past services, orders of services, reflections and prayers, etc. From the Homepage, click on 'Facebook Page' box and this will take you to our daily posts (photos and videos) of gospel readings, prayers at 7pm and a variety of 'virtual' spiritual resources for all ages. There is a lot of activities and suggestions for families with children. You are very welcome to join us. Worship continues at St Francis of Assisi, WGC - just with a 'virtual' congregation for now. </div>
<div>As we're not permitted to offer public worship due to the current health crisis, for the foreseeable future we shall be live streaming our church service at 10am on Sundays from our church website. For latest changes and updates, always refer to our church website. To find us, type https://www.stfranciswgc.org.uk/ into the address bar of your web browser or search engine (e.g. Google). From the Homepage, click on the 'Virtual Church' box and this will take you to the livestreaming of the current Sunday's 10am service, videos of past services, orders of services, reflections and prayers, etc. From the Homepage, click on 'Facebook Page' box and this will take you to our daily posts (photos and videos) of gospel readings, prayers at 7pm and a variety of 'virtual' spiritual resources for all ages. There is a lot of activities and suggestions for families with children. You are very welcome to join us. Worship continues at St Francis of Assisi, WGC - just with a 'virtual' congregation for now. </div>