Welwyn Magazine

Print copies are available to buy from St Mary's Church and many village outlets. See bottom of page for more details. If you don't have cash you can collect from the church or read online and make a donation here to cover the year, mentioning 'Magazine' in the comments. The cover price is 60p (£6 per annum) but any additional voluntary contribution you'd like to make would be welcome!

The Welwyn Magazine has been in existence for at least 150 years; we have bound copies going back to 1871! With content balanced between church and non-church articles and events the Magazine is produced by a team of volunteers and published ten times a year. Cost is 60p per issue and can be bought in St Mary's Church or from various shops in the village. Also available by subscription for delivery by a band of volunteers. If you would like to subscribe contact [email protected]

Profits go towards the running of our two parish churches, St Mary’s Welwyn and St Michael’s Woolmer Green.

We welcome submission of articles for publication by email to [email protected] by 1st of month prior to publication.

Enquiries about advertising to [email protected]