News letter

Sunday 26th June is The Second Sunday after Trinity.  The Trinity season is the longest season of the Anglican liturgical cycle (year). This period is one of a few periods known in the church as "ordinary time".

The Church of England says this about the church seasons, including ordinary time:
"The liturgical or Church year is divided into several seasons. It begins with Advent, which looks forward to Christmas. The visit of the wise men to Jesus is remembered at Epiphany, after which there is a period of ‘ordinary time’. The six weeks of Lent prepare us for Easter, which celebrates Jesus’s resurrection, leading forward to his Ascension and the gift of the Holy Spirit to the Church at Pentecost. ‘Ordinary time’ then resumes until the end of the year.

So-called ‘ordinary time’ is hardly boring. It allows for more continuous reading from the Bible, for the exploration of other themes such as creation and the environment, and for creative responses to saints’ days." [There are lots of charts on the web of the church seasons but I liked the one above - ordinary time are the segments in green].

The services and events on 26th June are: 8am BCP Morning Prayer led by John Marks.  11am Morning Prayer led by Rev Iain Lane followed by refreshments in the annexe.  4pm Zoom Coffee Afternoon. If you look below you'll also find updated the calendar updated with the most up to date information on Services for July

Food Bank

There is no doubt listening to TV and Radio that demand for items from food banks is very high indeed.

Nigel says: Our local Food Bank at the Zion Church has said that it is again accepting donations from us, and Jackie and I will arrange to take our offerings to them on Wednesday mornings. It would be wonderful if you could support the Food Bank by bringing things in on Sundays, and placing them in the big plastic box which will be placed in the porch. The sort of things the Food Bank would like to receive are: All food with good sell by dates (tins of fruit and veg, jams, packets of cereal, coffee, tea, long life milk and so on)Toilet rollsShampoo and conditionerCleaning products (kitchen and bathroom cleaners). We are asked not to donate clothes.

Thank you very much.

We continue to think of Ukraine:

The "Taste it Polish Restaurant" in Hatfield is taking donations of clothing for Ukraine. I am unsure of the exact details.

Bishop Alan says we can pray, and practically we also have an option to donate to the Red Cross Appeal which I again repeat here:

To see their appeal details, please copy and paste this link into your browser: You may donate any amount you wish, and your cash will go towards helping people who are being affected by the crisis, by supplying them with food, water, first aid, medicines, warm clothes and shelter. Donations may be made direct to the Red Cross appeal, or alternatively, you may care to donate using the QR code below. The QR code will also be displayed in church.

If you don't do QR Codes then clicking this link on your computer goes to the same "give-a-litte" link:

Gina has let us know that: "Sum up, which is the card machine company we use are matching donations to the Red Cross campaign to help Ukraine up to £1 million. Therefore the money we collected through church, I have passed to the Red Cross via Sum up and received confirmation that they have matched the amount." So if you'd like to give to the Red Cross' work in Ukraine, using the QR code or link above can double your money.
Church Giving. We are now passing the offerings plate at services. I know that many of us are happiest giving cash rather than scanning QR codes or tapping payment cards or smartphones, so this is good news indeed.
But, if you like the QR Code, you can point your Smartphone’s camera or QR app at it, and it will let you give, or from your PC/Mac you can just click this link: You can also give via the new (easy to use) card payment device – both at the back of the church - these donations go to St Johns funds. We are planning to make the QR Codes easily accessible from the pews too.

Coffee and Chat Details:
Topic: Coffee and Chat
Time: Almost Every Sunday at 4pm until further notice - use this link

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 917 5532 9104
Passcode: 356330
Upcoming Events and Services

Services and Events

26th  Trinity 2  

8.00am - BCP Morning Prayer led by John Marks

11am  Morning Prayer led by Rev Iain Lane


3rd  Trinity 3

8.00am - BCP Holy Communion led by Rev Edward Cardale

11.00am – All Age Worship led by Rev Kathryn Alford

10th  Trinity 4

8.00am - BCP Holy Communion led by Rev Susan Marsh

11.00am – Holy Communion led by Rev Fiona Souter

Friendship Teas - every second Tuesday on the month at 2:30pm in the Annexe!
The next one is July 12th at 2:30pm

June/July Parish Magazine

This edition includes articles and photos on: Reuben Davé's Baptism, The Fete, Easter Pilgrimage, School Report, Thought for the Day by Prof Tina Beattie and much, much more.

Click here to download it. Hardcopies are also available at the back of the church.
Contact St Johns Lemsford:

The Church Wardens
St John Church
Brocket Road