10am Sunday Gathering

Every Sunday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Panshanger Church
Corner of Hardings/Moors Walk Panshanger Panshanger Welwyn Garden City, AL7 2EJ, United Kingdom

We meet every Sunday at 10am to worship God together. The style changes slightly week to week, but you can expect a fairly informal style, with mix of contemporary and tradition worship songs. Children's groups are available for school age children.
We serve tea, coffee, hot chocolate and cold drinks after the Gathering, which lasts just over an hour.

Twice a month this Gathering will include Holy Communion.

Stay & Play

Every Wednesday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Panshanger Church
Corner of Hardings/Moors Walk Panshanger Panshanger Welwyn Garden City, AL7 2EJ, United Kingdom

Stay and Play is a group for children under 4 years old, and those caring for them, in our community. It provides a wonderful opportunity to meet with other parents/grandparents/carers and the children have lots of space to play and make friends.

All are welcome

There is a suggested donation of £2 per child

Prayer & Reflection

Every Thursday at for 1 hour
Panshanger Church
Corner of Hardings/Moors Walk Panshanger Panshanger Welwyn Garden City, AL7 2EJ, United Kingdom

A reflective Gathering, a time to focus on a short scripture, a time of open prayer followed by coffee and an opportunity to discuss the morning scripture.

Cafe Church

Monthly. Every First Sunday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
Panshanger Church
Corner of Hardings/Moors Walk Panshanger Panshanger Welwyn Garden City, AL7 2EJ, United Kingdom

Informal, fun and suitable for the whole family.
Grab a drink on your way in and find somewhere to sit, you may find that for these Gatherings the worship space is set out a little differently and you may be sat around tables and it may be a little more interactive.