Celebrating Holy Week 2025 with Digswell Parish
Celebrating Holy Week 2025
with Digswell Parish
Palm Sunday, 13 April
An audio service is available
9:20am Blessing of the palm crosses outside St John's, procession into church.
Digswell Stations of the Cross and the Eucharist followed by refreshments.
Monday in Holy Week, 14 April
8:30am Morning Prayer via Zoom
8:30pm Compline with Address - a link is sent
Tuesday in Holy Week, 15 April
10:00am Parish Eucharist at Christ the King Hub
8:30pm Compline with Address - a link is sent
Wednesday in Holy Week, 16 April
8:30am Morning Prayer via Zoom
8:30pm Compline with Address - a link is sent
Maundy Thursday, 17 April
11:00am Chrism Eucharist at St Alban's Abbey
7:30pm Maundy Thursday Eucharist and Vigil at St John's Church
Good Friday, 18 April
8:30am Morning Prayer at Christ the King Hub and via Zoom
12noon St John's open for silent prayer and reflection
2:00pm Good Friday Service and Veneration of The Cross
Holy Saturday, 19 April
1:30pm-4:00pm Easter Cream Teas available at St John's Church
8:00pm Confirmation Service at St Albans Abbey
Easter Day, 20 April
An audio service is available
10:00am Parish Eucharist for Easter Day followed by refreshments