December Calendar

The Church of England                                                                 Compline/weekly worship available on SoundCloud Channel
Parish of Digswell                                                                          Morning Prayer is via Zoom
Welwyn Garden City                                                                     Please ask us for details

December 2024

Audio Service for This Week
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9:30am ADVENT CAROLS with Eucharist at St John's Church
3:00pm Advent Picnic and start of the advent Crib at Christ the King Hub
6:30pm Service of Healing and Quiet Reflection at St John's Church

Monday 2
8:30am Morning Prayer
8:00pm Standing Committee via Zoom

Tuesday 3
8:50am School Assembly at St John's School
10:00am Eucharist at Christ the King Hub
4:00pm Trustees at Knightsfield School
8:30pm Compline
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Wednesday 4
8:30am Morning Prayer
6:30pm Community Carols organised by Monks Walk School

Thursday 5
9:00am Tea, Toast and Toddlers at Christ the King Hub
11:30am Symbols of Christmas School Sessions at St John's Church
7:30pm Parochial Church Council via Zoom
8:30pm Compline
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Friday 6
8:30am Morning Prayer
9:00am Coffee Pot at St John's Church

Saturday 7
8:30am Morning Prayer
9:30am Hub Cafe at Christ the King Hub

Sunday 8 ADVENT 2
Audio Service for This Week
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9:30am Parish Eucharist at St John's Church
11:00am Anglican-led Service at Digswell Village Church
4:00pm Christingle at Christ the King Hub

Monday 9
8:30am Morning Prayer
9:00am and 11:30am Symbols of Christmas School Sessions at St Jon's Church

Tuesday 10
8:50am School Assembly at St John's School
10:00am Eucharist at Christ the King Hub
10:00am Symbols of Christmas School Sessions at St John's Church
8:30pm Compline
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Wednesday 11
8:30am Morning Prayer
9:00am St John's School Nativity at Christ the King Hub
2:00pm Waterside Christingle at Christ the King Hub

Thursday 12
8:30pm Compline
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Friday 13
8:30am Morning Prayer
9:00am Coffee Pot at St John's Church
10:30am Book Club at Coffee Pot
1:15pm and 2:15pm Symbols of Christmas School Sessions at St John's Church

Saturday 14
8:30am Morning Prayer
9:30am Hub Cafe at Christ the King Hub
7:30pm Welwyn Garden City Music Society Concert at St John's Church

Sunday 15 ADVENT 3
Audio Service for This Week - a link is sent
8:00am Parish Eucharist at Christ the King Hub
11:00am Annual Carol Service at St John's Church with the Mayor and 4 of Six on Sax
2:00pm Hertfordshire Concert Band at St John's Church
2:30pm Holy Baptism at Christ the King Hub

Monday 16
8:30am Morning Prayer
1:00pm Homerswood Christingle

Tuesday 17
8:50am School Assembly at St John's School
10:00am Eucharist at Christ the King Hub
6:30pm Parish Christmas Dinner at St John's Church
8:30pm Compline
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Wednesday 18
8:30am Morning Prayer

Thursday 19
9:15am Homerswood Carol Service at St John's Church
11:00am Knightsfield Carol Service at St John's Church
8:30pm Compline
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Friday 20
8:30am Morning Prayer
8:50am St John's Carol Service at St John's Church with Coffee Pot
10:45am Harwood Hill Carol Service at St John's Church with Coffee Pot

Saturday 21
8:30am Morni
ng Prayer
9:30am Hub Cafe at Christ the King Hub

Sunday 22 ADVENT 4
Audio Service for This Week
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9:30am Parish Eucharist at St John's Church
11:00am Anglican-led Service at Digswell Village Church

Monday 23
8:30am Morning Prayer

10:00am Eucharist at Christ the King Hub
4:00pm Blessing of the Crib Service at St John's Church
8:30pm Compline
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11:30pm Midnight Mass of the Nativity at St John's Church

Wednesday 25 CHRISTMAS DAY
10:00am Parish Christmas Eucharist at St John's Church

10:00am Eucharist at Christ the King Hub
8:30pm Compline - a link is sent

Friday 27
8:30am Morning Prayer

8:30am Morning Prayer

Audio Service for This Week - a link is sent
11:00am Joint Service at Digswell Village Church

Monday 30
8:30am Morning Prayer

Tuesday 31 
10:00am Final Eucharist of 2024 at Christ the King Hub

January 1 2025 10:00am New Year's Day Eucharist at St John's Church, followed by fizz!