Week Ahead - If you would like links to services emailed to you, or the Zoom meeting links, please email [email protected]
Monday 3
8:30am Morning Prayer
Tuesday 4
8:50am Collective Worship at St John's School
10:00am Eucharist at Christ the King Hub
2:00pm RE Lesson for Y5 at St John's School [Fr Rob]
8:30pm Compline - link is sent
Wednesday 5
8:30am Morning Prayer
2:30pm Governor Visit to St John's School [Fr Rob]
Thursday 6
11:30am Governor Visit to Knightsfield School [Fr Rob]
8:00pm Standing Committee meets at The Rectory
8:30pm Compline - a link is sent
Friday 7
8:30am Morning Prayer
9:00am Coffee Pot at St John's Church
11:00am Welwyn Garden City Church Leaders meet at URC with local MP
Saturday 8
8:30am Morning Prayer
5:00pm Fr Rob attends Installation of new Canons at St Albans Abbey
Sunday 9 4 BEFORE LENT
Audio Service for This Week - a link is sent
9:30am Parish Eucharist at St John's Church
11:00am Anglican-led Service at Digswell Village Church
12noon Holy Baptism at St John's Church