March Calendar
The Church of England Compline/weekly worship available on SoundCloud Channel
Parish of Digswell Morning Prayer is via Zoom
Welwyn Garden City Please ask us for details
March 2025
Saturday 1
8:30am Morning Prayer
9:15am A Moment of Healing
10:00am Safeguarding Seminar at St John's Church
Audio Service for This Week a link is sent
9:30am Parish Eucharist at St John's Church
Monday 3
8:30am Morning Prayer
7:30pm Deanery Synod meets at St Giles Codicote
Tuesday 4
10:00am Eucharist at Christ the King Hub
12Noon Parish Pancakes at the Cowper Arms until late
8:30pm Compline a link is sent
8:30am Morning Prayer
8:50am Collective Worship at St John's School
12:30pm Ash Wednesday Service at St John's Church
Thursday 6
8:30pm Compline a link is sent
Friday 7
8:30am Morning Prayer
9:00am Coffee Pot at St John's Cafe
Saturday 8
8:30am Morning Prayer
Diocesan Synod meets today at Putteridge
Sunday 9 LENT 1
Audio Service for This Week a link is sent
9:30am Parish Eucharist at St John's Church
11:00am Anglican-led Service at Digswell Village Church
Monday 10
7:45am Fr Rob presents Thought for the Day on Radio 4
8:30am Morning Prayer
2:00pm Lent Group at Digswell Village Church
6:30pm Full Governors meeting at St John's School
Tuesday 11
8:50am Collective worship at St John's School
10:00am eucharist at Christ the King Hub
7:30pm Lent Group via Zoom led by Fr Martin (Mark 11. 1-10)
8:30pm Compline a link is sent
Wednesday 12
8:30am Morning Prayer
Thursday 13
8:30pm Compline a link is sent
Friday 14
8:30am Morning Prayer
9:00am Coffee Pot at St John's Cafe
10:30am Lent Group at Coffee Pot led by Julie
Saturday 15
8:30am Morning Prayer
Sunday 16 LENT 2
Weekly Audio Service a link is sent
9:30am Parish Eucharist at St John's Church
Monday 17
8:30am Morning Prayer
2:00pm Lent Group at Digswell Village Church
Tuesday 18 ST JOSEPH
8:50am Collective Worship at St John's School
10:00am Eucharist at Christ the King Hub
7:30pm Lent Group via Zoom led by Lesley (Luke 22. 8-39)
8:30pm Compline a link is sent
Wednesday 19
8:30am Morning Prayer
4:00pm Trustees Meeting at Knightsfield School
Thursday 20
8:30pm Compline a link is sent
Friday 21
8:30am Morning Prayer
9:00am Coffee Pot at St John's Cafe
10:30am Lent Group at Coffee Pot led by Julie
Saturday 22
8:30am Morning Prayer
Sunday 23 LENT 3
Weekly Audio Service a link is sent
9:30am Parish Eucharist at St John's Church
11:00am Annual Meetings at St John's
1:00pm Holy Baptism at St John's Church
Monday 24
8:30am Morning Prayer
2:00pm Lent Group at Digswell Village Church
8:50am Collective Worship at St John's School
10:00am Eucharist at Christ the King Hub
12Noon Welwyn Garden City Church leaders meet
4:00pm Knightsfield Trustees Meeting
7:30pm Lent Group via Zoom led by John (Mark 14. 32-42)
8:30pm Compline a link is sent
Wednesday 26
8:30am Morning Prayer
8:40am St John's School Visit to St John's Church
10:00am Stations of the Cross for Year 6 Pupils of St John's School
Thursday 27
8:30pm Compline a link is sent
Friday 28
8:30am Morning Prayer
9:00am Coffee Pot at St John's Cafe
10:30am Lent Group at Coffee Pot led by Julie
8:30am Morning Prayer
Weekly Audio Service a link is sent
9:30am Parish Eucharist at St John's Church
11:00am Anglican-led All Age Service at Digswell Village Church
Monday 31
8:30am Morning Prayer
2:00pm Lent Group at Digswell Village Church