Journey to the Empty Tomb Parish of Digswell Lent 2025 following Ash Wednesday

Journey to the Empty Tomb
Parish of Digswell
Lent 2025 following Ash Wednesday

Week ONE:  Jerusalem and the Temple
Sunday 9 March LENT 1     Audio service via SoundCloud
                                                 9:30am   Parish Eucharist at St John's
                                               11:00am   Anglican-led service at Digswell Village Church  

Monday 10 March               8:30am   Morning Prayer via Zoom
                                                 2:00pm   Lent Group at Digswell Village Church

Tuesday 11 March             10:00am   Parish Eucharist at Christ the King Hub, Haldens 
                                                 7:30pm    Lent Group via Zoom
                                                                   Led by Fr Martin focusing on Mark 11: 1-10
                                                 8:00pm    Compline - a link is sent

Wednesday 12 March        8:30am     Morning Prayer via Zoom

Thursday 13 March             8:00pm    Compline - a link is sent

Friday 14 March                   8:30am    Morning Prayer via Zoom
                                               10:30am    Lent Group at Coffee Pot
                                                                   Led by Julie Handscomb

Saturday 15 March             8:30am    Morning Prayer via Zoom

Week TWO:  The Last Supper
Sunday 16 March LENT 2   Audio service via SoundCloud
                                                  9:30am    All Age Eucharist at St John's

Monday 17 March                8:30am    Morning Prayer via Zoom
                                                  2:00pm    Lent Group at Digswell Village Church

Tuesday 18 March                ST JOSEPH
                                                 11:00am   Parish Eucharist at Christ the King Hub, Haldens
                                                   7:30pm   Lent Group via Zoom
                                                                    Led by Dr Lesley Haire focusing on Luke 22: 8-39
   8:00pm   Compline - a link is sent

Wednesday 19 March           8:30am   Morning Prayer via Zoom

Thursday 20 March               8:00pm   Compline - a link is sent

Friday 21 March                     8:30am   Morning Prayer via Zoom
10:30am  Lent Group at Coffee Pot
                                                                    Led by Julie Handscomb

Saturday 22 March                8:30am   Morning Prayer via Zoom

Week THREE:  Gethsemane and the Trials
Sunday 23 March LENT 3      Audio service via SoundCloud
                                                     9:30am   Parish Eucharist at St John's
                                                   11:00am   Annual Meeting at St John's
                                                     1:00pm   Holy Baptism at St John's

Monday 24 March                   8:30am   Morning Prayer via Zoom
2:00pm   Lent Group at Digswell Village Church

Tuesday 25 March                  THE ANNUNCIATION
                                                    11:00am  Parish Eucharist at Christ the King Hub, Haldens
                                                      7:30pm  Lent Group via Zoom
                                                                      Led by Dr John Stewart focusing on Mark 14: 32-42
8:00pm  Compline - a link is sent

Wednesday 26 March             8:30am   Morning Prayer via Zoom

Thursday 27 March                 8:00pm   Compline - a link is sent

Friday 28 March                       8:30am   Morning Prayer via Zoom
                                                    10:30am   Lent Group at Coffee Pot
                                                                       Led by Julie Handscomb

Saturday 29 March                 CLOCKS GO FORWARD - BRITISH SUMMER TIME
                                                     8:30am    Morning Prayer via Zoom

Week FOUR:  The Crucifixion
Sunday 30 March LENT 4      MOTHERING SUNDAY
                                                     Audio service via SoundCloud
                                                     9:30am   Parish Eucharist for Mothering Sunday
                                                   11:00am   Anglican-led Mothering Sunday Service at Digswell Village Church

Monday 31 March                   8:30am   Morning Prayer via Zoom
                                                     2:00pm   Lent Group at Digswell Village Church

Tuesday 1 April                     11:00am   Parish Eucharist at Christ the King Hub, Haldens
                                                    7:30pm    Lent Group via Zoom
                                                                      Led By Ally Munro focusing on Mark 15: 33-41
8:00pm    Compline - a link is sent

Wednesday 2 April                 8:30am    Morning Prayer via Zoom

Thursday 3 April                     8:00pm    Compline - a link is sent

Friday 4 April                           8:30am    Morning Prayer via Zoom
                                                  10:30am    Lent Group at Coffee Pot
                                                                      Led by Fr Rob

Saturday 5 April                     8:30am    Morning Prayer via Zoom
                                                    9:15am    A Moment of Healing at St John's

Week FIVE:  The Empty Tomb and Resurrection Appearances
Sunday 6 April LENT 5           Audio service via SoundCloud
                                                    9:30am    Parish Eucharist at St John's

Monday 7 April                       8:30am   Morning Prayer via Zoom
2:00pm   Lent Group at Digswell Village Church

Tuesday 8 April                     11:00am   Parish Eucharist at Christ the King Hub, Haldens
                                                    7:30pm   Lent Group via Zoom
                                                                     Led by Julie Handscomb focusing on Mark 16: 1-8
8:00pm    Compline - a link is sent

Wednesday 9 April                8:30am    Morning Prayer via Zoom

Thursday 10 April                  8:00pm    Compline - a link is sent

Friday 11 April                        8:30am    Morning Prayer via Zoom
                                                 10:30am    Lent Group at Coffee Pot
                                                                     Led by Julie Handscomb

Saturday 12 April                   8:30am    Morning Prayer via Zoom
                                                    7:30pm    Holy Week Concert at St John's Church

General Compline for Lent
There will be a general audio Compline for Lent available from Ash Wednesday for you to use on days other than Tuesday and Thursdays.

This can be found on our SoundCloud Channel as normal.