September Calendar

The Church of England                                                                  Compline/weekly worship available on SoundCloud Channel
Parish of Digswell                                                                           Morning Prayer is via Zoom
Welwyn Garden City                                                                      Please ask us for details

September 2024 

Sunday 1            TRINITY 14
                              Audio Service for This Week
- a link is sent
                              9:30am    PARISH EUCHARIST at St John's Church
                              6:30pm    SERVICE OF HEALING AND QUIET REFLECTION at St John's Church

Monday 2           8:30am    Morning Prayer
Tuesday 3         10:00am    Eucharist at Christ the King Hub
                              8:30pm    Compline
a link is sent

Wednesday 4     8:30am    Morning Prayer
                              7:30pm    Christ the King Hub Working Group
via Zoom

Thursday 5         9:00am    Tea, Toast and Toddlers at Christ the King Hub
                              7:30pm    Finance Committee
via Zoom
                              8:30pm    Compline - a link is sent

Friday 6               8:30am    Morning Prayer
                              9:00am    Coffee Pot at St John's Church

Saturday 7          7:45am    Fr Rob presents Thought for the Day on BBC Radio 4
                               8:30am    Morning Prayer
                               9:30am    Hub Cafe at Christ the King Hub

Sunday 8             TRINITY 15 - anniversary of the death of HM Queen Elizabeth II
                              Audio Service for This Week - a link is sent~
                              9:30am    ALL AGE PARISH EUCHARIST at St John's Church
                            11:00am    Anglican-led Service at Digswell Village Church

Monday 9            8:30am    Morning Prayer

Tuesday 10       10:00am    Eucharist at Christ the King Hub
                              7:30pm    St John's Church Committee 
via Zoom
                              8:30pm    Compline - a link is sent

Wednesday 11   8:30am    Morning Prayer

Thursday 12       8:00pm    Standing Committee via Zoom
                              8:30pm    Compline - a link is sent

Friday 13            ST JOHN'S PATRONAL WEEKEND
                              8:00am    Coffee Pot at St John's Church [opens early today]
                              8:30am    Morning Prayer
                              8:50am    Patronal Eucharist with St John's School at St John's Church
                            12:30pm    Andrew Lewin MP joins local headteachers and Governors at St John's for lunch
                                                [invitation only]

                              7:45am    Fr Rob presents Thought for the Day  on BBC Radio 4
                              8:30am    Morning Prayer
                              9:30am    Hub Cafe at Christ the King Hub
                              1:30pm    Patronal Cream Teas at St John's Cafe until 4:00pm

Sunday 15           ST JOHN'S PATRONAL WEEKEND
                               Audio  Service for This Week - a links is sent 
                            10:00am    Parish Eucharist at St John's Church followed by brunch
                                                Preacher:  The Revd Canon Fr Sam Cappleman

Monday 16          8:30am   Morning Prayer
                               7:30pm   PCC Meeting via Zoom

Tuesday 17          8:50am   School Assembly at St John's School
                             10:00am   Eucharist at Christ the King Hub
                               8:30pm   Compline - a link is sent

Wednesday 18    8:30am   Morning Prayer

Thursday 19        9:00am   Tea, Toast and Toddlers at Christ the King Hub
                               8:30pm   Compline - a link is sent

Friday 20              8:30am   Morning Prayer
                                9:00am   Coffee Pot at St John's Church
                             10:30am    Book Club at Coffee Pot

Saturday 21         ST MATTHEW THE APOSTLE
                                8:30am   Morning Prayer
                                9:30am   Hub Cafe at Christ the King Hub

Sunday 22            TRINITY 17
                                Audio Service for This Week
- a link is sent
                                9:30am   Parish Eucharist at St John's Church
                              11:30am   Holy Baptism at Christ the King Hub

Monday 23           8:30am    Morning Prayer
                                9:00am    Homerswood School Assembly

Tuesday 24           8:50am    School Assembly at St John's School
                              10:00am    Eucharist at Christ the King Hub
                                8:30pm    Compline
- a link is sent

Wednesday 25     8:30am    Morning Prayer 

Thursday 26         8:30pm    Compline 
 - a link is sent

Friday 27               8:30am    Morning Prayer     
                                9:00am    Coffee Pot at St John's Church  

Saturday 28          8:30am    Morning Prayer      
                                 9:15am    Ministry Group at Rectory
                                 9:30am    Hub Cafe at Christ the King Hub

Sunday 29             ST MICHAEL AND ALL ANGELS
                                Audio Service for This Week 
 - a link is sent
                                9:30am    Parish Eucharist at St John's Church
                              11:00am    Anglican-led Worship at Digswell Village Church

Monday 30          8:30am     Morning Prayer