Electoral Roll

What is the Electoral Roll?

It is the list of names and addresses of every person who can vote at the Annual Parochial Church Council meeting (APCM). At St Giles we also use it to help in planning, and for the clergy and others involved in running the church to have contact details of our parishioners at their fingertips. St Albans Diocese uses the numbers on our Electoral Roll to help determine our Parish Share (see below). This is the Ecclesiastical Electoral Roll and not to be confused with the Civic Electoral Roll administered by the Council – they are two different things!

Who can be on it?

Anyone who is baptised and over 16 provided they live in the parish or have worshipped at the church regularly for six months. Every six years a new Roll is prepared and those currently on it informed so they can re-apply. If you are not resident in the parish but were on the Roll as an habitual worshipper and have been prevented by sickness, absence or other essential reason from worshipping for the past six months please indicate this on the form, together with the reason. There is no clear definition of ‘Regular Worshipper’ but as a guide it probably means at least once a month.

Does it commit me to anything?


How can I be more involved in the church?

Being on the Electoral Roll gives you the right to be a sidesperson, be voted onto the Parochial Church Council (PCC) and vote at the APCM. For many people that will lead to a greater involvement and support for the week-to-week work of the church.

FULL REVISION OF ELCTORAL ROLL - April/May 2025 - details to follow nearer the time

St Giles Codicote Electoral Roll Certificate 2024, PDF
