Harvest Festival 2024

FCN Weekly Update - 23.08.2024.pdf Download
FCN Weekly Update - 18.10.2024.pdf Download

Harvest celebrations start very soon:

Sunday 6th October 10am -   Cafe Church theme is "Thank You" and a speaker from Codicote Foodbank will be interviewed during the morning. Cafe Church is held in The Peace Memorial Hall Codicote from 10am.

Friday 11th October - Codicote Primary School will hold its annual Harvest Service in St Giles

Sunday 13th October 9:30am  - Harvest Festival Service in St Giles with a visiting speaker from The Farming Community Network.

Our Flower team are planning some wonderful displays for the weekend of 11th-13th, so please do drop by and see them. You can s some photos HERE .

This year our giving will be:

Food items to Codicote Foodbank (a collection box is in the church porch) . They have asked for tinned meals, tea and coffee, tinned fruit, tinned tuna and ham, biscuits, shampoo and conditioner and toothpaste.

Retiring collection on 13th October for The Farming Community Network. For more information about their work please see the newsletter attached to this article.

UPDATE - £300 was raised for FCN at the service on 13th October and many bags of food donated to Codicote Foodbank. Thank you all for your generosity.