Village day was full of fun and laughter at St Giles this year. As usual we provided water for anyone in or watching the parade as it came past our gates.

During the afternoon visitors could sit quietly in the church and listen to songs from Welwyn Harmony or piano music played by Caroline Aggarwal. The flower team had set up beautiful displays, with a quiz on the theme of TV adverts and the new children’s corner was well used by our younger visitors.

Delicious cakes and reviving cups of tea were available in our new servery area. Many people took their refreshments outside where they could view teddies descending from the tower on our popular zip wire. A teddy tombola and book stall was also set up in the churchyard.

It was wonderful to be able to welcome so many visitors to St Giles over the afternoon.

For pictures of activities in church see HERE

For pictures of the flowers see HERE