Porch Pantry

Every day at for 6 hours, 45 mins
Christ Church, Waltham Cross
Christ Church High Street Waltham Cross Herts, EN8 7ED, United Kingdom

We have a stock of basic foods and toiletries that are available to anyone that needs it. Just come and help yourself when the porch (the blue doors) is open.
Our usual 'opening hours' are: Monday - Friday: 8.30 am - 3.15 pm and Sunday: 8.30 am - 11.00 am.

Wednesday Worship @ 10.15

Every Wednesday at for 30 mins
Christ Church, Waltham Cross
Christ Church High Street Waltham Cross Herts, EN8 7ED, United Kingdom

During the vacancy our Wednesday Morning Service is led by members of the congregation.
There is communion once a month.

Parent, Baby and Toddler group ...IS OPEN

Every Thursday at for 2 hours
Christ Church, Waltham Cross
Christ Church High Street Waltham Cross Herts, EN8 7ED, United Kingdom

For pre - school children and their parents and carers. No booking required, no fee (just a donation for refreshments)
Refreshments served.
Just drop in, stay as long as you like. All Welcome.
9.30am - 11.30 in the church, hall and garden

Thursday Morning during "Term Time"

Informal Eucharist - First Sunday of the Month

Every First Sunday at for 1 hour
Christ Church, Waltham Cross
Christ Church High Street Waltham Cross Herts, EN8 7ED, United Kingdom

Our 10.00 am Informal Eucharist is usually held on the 1st Sunday of each month.
The hymns, prayers, reading and sermon are all especially selected to make the service accessible and engaging for all ages.
The young people actively participate in the Liturgy by reading the Gospel, leading the Prayers of Intercession, sharing the peace and helping with the collection.

Parish Eucharist - 2,3,4,5 Sunday of Month

Every Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth Sunday at for 1 hour
Christ Church, Waltham Cross
Christ Church High Street Waltham Cross Herts, EN8 7ED, United Kingdom

The Church of England congregation at Christ Church is "Modern-Catholic" in its worship tradition using Common Worship Liturgy. Vestments are worn and incense is used at the Sunday Eucharist.

Members of the congregation participate in the Liturgy as Scripture Readers, Intercessors, Servers and Sub-deacons/Chalice Bearers.

Christ Church Bereavement Cafe

Every Second Thursday at for 1 hour
Christ Church, Waltham Cross
Christ Church High Street Waltham Cross Herts, EN8 7ED, United Kingdom

Coping with loss can be difficult. Christ Church Bereavement Cafe is open to anyone old or young, who are bereaved.
A cup of tea, chat and a listening ear are always available. Practical advice and help are also available.
The afternoon meetings are held in Church Hall on the 2nd Thursday of each Month (excluding August).
All are welcome!

(excluding August)

Men's Breakfast

Every Third Saturday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Christ Church, Waltham Cross
Christ Church High Street Waltham Cross Herts, EN8 7ED, United Kingdom

Once a month - breakfast at 8.30. A time of fellowship and chat over a delicious breakfast. All are welcome.

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