About Us

Let me extend to you once again a very warm welcome to your church of St Catherine's and St Paul's Hoddesdon. By means of introduction I am the Rev'd Mark Escott and I am the Vicar. Although I was licensed as Vicar at the church in September 2024 I have called Hoddesdon my home town since my wife, Jess, and I purchased a house here, on Lord Street, in April 2006. In 2007 Jess and I moved to the Rye Park area of Hoddesdon. Our two boys attended Cranborne School and our daughter attended what is now the Robert Barclay Academy.

My family and I know the town very well and love the area very much. Since we have lived here we have made cherished and life long friends. Between July 2021 and July 2024 I served as Curate at St Mary's Church in Cheshunt, and so it was that we briefly moved south, but just for a period of three year.

But enough about me. St Catherine's and St Paul's is a large friendly church. We are very proud of our facilities as we see them as an asset that can help to serve our community. However above all we exist to worship the Lord Jesus Christ and to make his light and love known in this town. The membership numbers on our electoral roll indicate that we are a church of over 120 people, and on a weekly basis the congregation number is normally between 50 and 70 people. Please do come and join us, we would love to see you there.

As a church we value collaboration with our friends and neighbours. Therefore we regularly hold joint services with the other Anglican Churches in the Area, specifically St Cuthbert's Rye Park and St Augustine's in Broxbourne. Additionally we are active members of 'Churches Together in Hoddesdon' and we support both in prayer and practical action the work of 'Love Hoddesdon'.

If you are new to Hoddesdon, or if you have lived in the town for a number of years and you are thinking about coming to church for the first time, or maybe after some time away, then we would really love to get to know you. Please explore our website for more information which can be found at hoddesdonparishchurch.com and/or drop us an email by clicking on the 'Get in touch' button opposite.

God Bless

Rev'd Mark Escott