These are Lent & Easter events this year.

Palm Sunday Sung Eucharist

for 1 hour
St Mary the Virgin
Flint Cottages Westmill Buntingford, SG9 9LN, United Kingdom

We will gather at the village green at 9.15am to process to the church with our palm crosses to remember Jesus' final entry into Jerusalem. There will be hymns and a dramatic reading of the gospel in this service.

Night Prayer in Holy Week

for 30 mins
St Mary the Virgin
Flint Cottages Westmill Buntingford, SG9 9LN, United Kingdom

As part of our Holy Week preparations we will be holding a service of Night Prayer also known as Compline. It is a short said service including a psalm and a bible reading. You are very welcome to join us for this quiet, reflective service at St Mary the Virgin, Westmill on Monday 14th April, Tuesday 15th April at St Mary's, Aspenden and Wednesday 16th April at St Peter's, Buntingford.

Good Friday Hour at the Cross

for 1 hour
St Mary the Virgin
Flint Cottages Westmill Buntingford, SG9 9LN, United Kingdom

A quiet time of reflection and contemplation at the cross.

Easter Day All Age Holy Communion

for 1 hour
St Mary the Virgin
Flint Cottages Westmill Buntingford, SG9 9LN, United Kingdom

Alleluia, He is risen!
Come and celebrate this special resurrection day with us. There will be an Easter Egg hunt in the church yard following the service.