2025 Lent Course: "Carbon Literacy for Congregations"

Every Friday at for 2 hours
Royston Parish Church (Herts)
Royston Parish Church Melbourn Street Royston Herts, SG8 9LG, United Kingdom

The 2025 Lent Course is a 6-week Carbon Literacy® course to learn about climate change, carbon footprints and how we can all do our bit to reduce them. The course dates are Friday March 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th,, April 4th & 11th and it takes place from 1:30-3:30pm in church. At the end of the course, it is hoped that all participants will make two pledges for relevant actions they will take to reduce their carbon footprint. The course will cost £15 to cover refreshments, all course materials and the cost of applying to receive a certificate. To book your place, go to bit.ly/4hcKbRF

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Schola Cantorum - Concert "Miserere": An Evening of Sublime Music

for 2 hours
Royston Parish Church (Herts)
Royston Parish Church Melbourn Street Royston Herts, SG8 9LG, United Kingdom

Come for an evening of sublime music performed by Schola Cantorum, including:
Allegri - Miserere Mei, Deus,
Bach - Komm, Jesu, komm
Scarlatti - Stabat Mater
Howells - Requiem
Tickets can be obtained via Eventbrite at bitly.ScholaRoyston. Cost £15 (+£1.96 booking fee) general admission or £10 (+£1.55 booking fee) for Concessions

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Schola Cantorum - Concert "Miserere": An Evening of Sublime Music

for 2 hours
Royston Parish Church (Herts)
Royston Parish Church Melbourn Street Royston Herts, SG8 9LG, United Kingdom

Come for an evening of sublime music performed by Schola Cantorum, including:
Allegri - Miserere Mei, Deus,
Bach - Komm, Jesu, komm
Scarlatti - Stabat Mater
Howells - Requiem
Tickets can be obtained via Eventbrite at bit.ly/ScholaRoyston. Cost £15 (+£1.96 booking fee) general admission or £10 (+£1.55 booking fee) for Concessions

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Saturday Church Café

Every Saturday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Royston Parish Church (Herts)
Royston Parish Church Melbourn Street Royston Herts, SG8 9LG, United Kingdom

Join us for a cup of coffee and social time in our beautifully refurbished church café area.

Sunday Worship (Eucharist) at 9am

Every Sunday at for 30 mins
Royston Parish Church (Herts)
Royston Parish Church Melbourn Street Royston Herts, SG8 9LG, United Kingdom

A said service of holy communion at 9am in church. The usual form of service is from Common Worship but every fourth Sunday we use the traditional words from the Book of Common Prayer (BCP).

Sunday Worship - Eucharist with Music - 10:30am

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
Royston Parish Church (Herts)
Royston Parish Church Melbourn Street Royston Herts, SG8 9LG, United Kingdom

Join us for our main Sunday service with choir from 10:30am in church

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Morning Prayer in the Chapel

Every Tuesday at for 30 mins
Royston Parish Church (Herts)
Royston Parish Church Melbourn Street Royston Herts, SG8 9LG, United Kingdom

Join us for a quiet service of Morning Prayer in the chapel in the South Aisle of the church.

Wednesday Said Eucharist followed by Coffee

Every Wednesday at for 1 hour
Royston Parish Church (Herts)
Royston Parish Church Melbourn Street Royston Herts, SG8 9LG, United Kingdom

Join us for a quiet midweek Said Eucharist followed by coffee each Wednesday

Tots in Church

Every Thursday at for 1 hour, 45 mins
Royston Parish Church (Herts)
Royston Parish Church Melbourn Street Royston Herts, SG8 9LG, United Kingdom

We welcome families with pre-school age children for a morning of fun and refreshment in St John the Baptist Church, Royston, every Thursday during term time.

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During School Term Times

Monthly Celtic Prayer

Monthly. Every First Wednesday at for 30 mins
Royston Parish Church (Herts)
Royston Parish Church Melbourn Street Royston Herts, SG8 9LG, United Kingdom

Join us for a short, contemplative service of Celtic Morning Prayer!
Once a month there is an opportunity to join together for the quiet service o fmorning prayer on the 1st Wednesday of each month. There is opportunity for praying to together using the Northumbrian Community Morning Prayer including responsive prayers, scripture readings, meditation, silence and praying together. It will be about 20 minutes of prayer followed by an opportunity for coffee together if you wish to stay a little longer

Ladies Group

Monthly. Every First Thursday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Royston Parish Church (Herts)
Royston Parish Church Melbourn Street Royston Herts, SG8 9LG, United Kingdom

A monthly social meet-up and occasional outings to gardens and other places of interest.
All welcome.
Note: We are now meeting up in church again, in our new coffee area.
From time to time we have invited speakers and also visits to places of interest.

Tea Time Praise

In February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November. Every First Sunday at for 1 hour
Royston Parish Church (Herts)
Royston Parish Church Melbourn Street Royston Herts, SG8 9LG, United Kingdom

Join us for this friendly and informal all age / family friendly service with stories, singing, worship band and TEA!
All welcome

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May Book Fayre - Sale of Second Hand and Nearly New Books

for 6 hours
Royston Parish Church (Herts)
Royston Parish Church Melbourn Street Royston Herts, SG8 9LG, United Kingdom

Welcome to the church for our popular annual sale of second-hand and nearly new books and puzzles. Refreshments will be served and all proceeds go to Church Funds.

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May Book Fayre

for 6 hours
Royston Parish Church (Herts)
Royston Parish Church (Herts), Royston Parish Church Melbourn Street Royston Herts, SG8 9LG, United Kingdom

Welcome to the church for our popular annual sale of second-hand and nearly new books and puzzles. Refreshments will be served and all proceeds go to Church Funds.

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