Royston Parish Church News - Sunday 30th June - 5th Sunday after Trinity

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The Diocese's Living God’s Love Prayer

Living God, draw us deeper into your love;
Jesus our Lord, send us to care and serve;
Holy Spirit, make us heralds of good news.
Stir us, strengthen us, teach and inspire us
To live your love with generosity and joy,
Imagination and courage; for the sake of your world
And in the name of Jesus, Amen.

If you would like regular copies of this Notice Sheet emailed to you please email Rob Fox on: [email protected].

If you wish to make a donation to the church, then follow this link: ON-LINE DONATIONS via GiveALittle


Sat 28th June

   10-11:30am Church Café

   12noon Royston Choral Society Set up for Concert

   7:30pm Royston Choral Society - Vivaldi Gloria & Choral Classics by Finzi and Fauré.  Tickets £15 and under 18s £1, available at door or on-line.  See poster at back of church

Sun 30th June

   No 9am or 10:30am, instead...

  10:00am Sung Communion Service with Mission Speaker: Anne Marie Wilson from ORCHID (28 Too Many).  The service is with Church Choir and Children's Church followed by refreshments

Tues 2nd July

   9am Morning Prayer in the Chapel

Wed 3rd July

   9:30am Celtic Prayer in the Chapel

   11am Said Communion Service followed by Refreshments

   1pm Knit and Natter in Church

   7-8:30pm Choir Practice

   7:30pm Men's Group meeting in Wetherspoonsl

Thursday 4th July

   9am-11am Tots in Church

   2:30pm Ladies Group Meeting at the Heath Sports Club (see Kay Mak for more information)

Sat 6th July

   10-11:30am Church Café

Sun 7th July

   9am Said Communion Service

   10:30am Sung Communion Servoice with Church Choir, Children's Church and followed by refreshments

   3:30pm Tea Time Praise!

Tues 9th July

   9am Morning Prayer in the Chapel

Wed 10th July

   11am Said Communion Service followed by Refreshments

   1pm Knit and Natter in Church

Sat 13th July

   10-11:30am Church Café

   12 noon Renewal of Marriage Vows for Kevin and Angela Linswood

   7on Church Quiz (see notices for details)


As we pray for the Church, we pray for:

For all Christians in Sudan, South Sudan and Uganda

For all who worship at Kneesworth House Hospital; Ged McHale

For the work of our Mission Partners: ORCHID: 28 Too Many

We pray for the community of Royston:

For all our local health centres

For all our local Toddler Groups

As we pray for our world and Eco projects, we pray for:

For Plastic Bag Free Day - 3rd July

We pray for the sick and suffering:

Ron Monksfield


Baby Forest Pike

Sarah Murphy

Paul and Pat Tidey

Peter Coates

Baby Eden

Phoebe Strom

Jan McElney

Richard Moss

Ann Milton

Roy Rodway

Jamie Covington

Lee Cockerill

Betty Gladstone

Jackson Herbert

Helen Yerrill

Val Brown

Jean Coslett

Margaret and John Coates

Richard Duke and Anna


Kathy George


Angi and Ken Rushall

We pray for those who have died in the faith of Christ:

Deceased                              Bereaved

Ellen Salisbury                      Family and friends

Helena Jefferies                    Family and friends

Geraldine Roper                   Family and friends

Jessica Gibling                       Family and friends

We pray for those whose anniversaries fall at this time:

23 June                                   No anniversaries this week


QUIZ NIGHT!!! In aid of Church Funds. Saturday 13th July in Church. Licensed bar and nibbles (please bring your own food). &.30 pm (doors open at 7 pm). £8 perperson. To enter a team (of upt 8) please email [email protected]. Hope you can join us!

KNIT AND NATTER GROUP: We are starting a knit and natter group on Wednesday 3rd July 1 pm in Church. A chance to meet new friends over a ball of wool! Ladies and gents of all ages welcome. For more details speak to either Joanne or Liz Wainwright.

WE NEED SOMEONE OR A SMALL TEAM to apply occasionally for grants. Could this be you? Training is available THIS WEEK ON TUESDAY …this is the link on the Diocesan Website: Fundraising for projects workshop | St Albans Resource Centre ( If you are interested, then speak to Steven or a warden.



Vicar: Revd Steven Sivyer  (rest day MONDAY)

Telephone no.  01763 243145

Email: [email protected]

Assistant Priest: The Reverend John Fidler

Telephone no. 01763 241886

Email: [email protected]

Reader: Emma Sivyer

Telephone no. 07851 688610

Email: [email protected]

Reader: Canon Reg Bailey

Telephone no. 01763 250637

Email: [email protected]

Parish Administrator: Joanne Wallis

Working hours: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 9 am to 1 pm

email: [email protected]

Mobile: 07935 774633

email: [email protected]