Royston Parish Church News - Sunday 6th October

2024-10-05 notice sheet.docx Download

You can download the paper copy of our news sheet from the link at the side of this page.  

The diocese’s Living God’s Love Prayer:

Living God, draw us deeper into your love; 
Jesus our Lord, send us to care and serve;
Holy Spirit, make us heralds of good news.
Stir us, strengthen us, teach and inspire us
To live your love with generosity and joy,
Imagination and courage;
for the sake of 
your world and
in the name of Jesus, Amen.

Please note: The Parish Office email has changed to If you would like regular copies of the Notice Sheet emailed to you please email this account.   

Saturday 5th October

10am-11:30am Church Café

Sunday 6th October

NOTE: NO 9am or 10:30am services, instead...

10am Sung Communion Service with Guest Mission Speaker for CMS, Kathy Jenkinson.  We will also have Church Choir, Children's Church and it will be followed by refreshments.

Tuesday 8 October

9 am Morning Prayer in the Chapel

Wednesday 9 October

11 am Said Communion service followed by refreshments

1 pm Knit and Natter in Church

Thursday 10th October

9 am – 11 am Tots in Church

7:430pm  Julian Prayer meeting at 11 Middle Drift.  All Welcome.  

Friday 11th October

11am MAP Committee meeting in Banyers

Saturday 12th October

10am-11:30am Church Café

Sunday 13th October

9 am Said Communion Service

10.30 am Sung Communion Service with Church Choir and followed by refreshments

12.30 pm Baptism Service for Edward Ouldridge and Gwen O’Gorman

We pray for all Christians worldwide:

For all Christians in Costa Rica, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Panama

For all who worship at Royston Methodist Church; Revd. Charity Nzegwu

For the work of our mission partners: CMS and our Guest Speaker Katie Jenkinson

We pray for the community of Royston:

For our local health centres

For all who work on our local Industrial Estates

We pray for our world and ECO projects:

Pray for Unblocktober: a month to save our sewers and seas

We pray for the sick and suffering:

Sarah Murphy
Paul & Pat Tidey
Baby Forest Pike
Ron Monksfield
Baby Eden
Phoebe Strom
Peter Coates
Richard Moss
Ann Milton
Jan McElney
Roy Rodway
Jamie Covington
Lee Cockerill
Betty Gladstone
John Hutchins
Jackson Herbert
Helen Yerrill
Val Brown
Pauline Tasker
Jean Coslett
Margaret & John Coates
Angi and Ken Rushall
Kathy George
Mary Atkins
Lynn Fricker
Cyrine and family

We pray for those who have died in the faith of Christ:
JJohn Cotton           Family and friends

We pray for those whose anniversaries fall at this time
9th Oct           Lynda Andrews


BISHOP OF ST. ALBANS HARVEST APPEAL 2024 This year the Bishop's Appeal is to support a project of the Leprosy Mission in Sri Lanka.

Details can be seen on the Mission of the Month notice board in church.

You can also search for more information online, the website page includes videos too.

As a church we already support the Leprosy Mission as one of our regular charities, but we invite you to support this Appeal if you wish, by making your own individual donation directly. You can make a bank to bank transfer (BACs) to The Leprosy Mission using the following details:

Sort code: 20-67-45, Account No: 00197742,

Account Name: The Leprosy Mission Great Britain

If you are giving as an individual, please use the reference: 24RCHARVESTAPPEAL.


MINISTER OF MUSIC: We are delighted to welcome Alex Trigg as our Minister of Music, who will also be directing our outreach to schools and families through music.

A PASTORAL LETTER will be coming from Steven soon, but we are aware that we do not have everyone’s contact details and some people’s details may have changed. Therefore, could you please confirm with Joanne, our administrator, your current address and phone numbers by emailing: [email protected]

NEW CURATE FOR ROYSTON. We shall be receiving Curate next year. Jaime Roberts will be ordained deacon on 29th June in St Albans Cathedral and she will then serve her curacy in Royston. She is currently studying at Ripon College in Cuddesdon near Oxford. More information about Jaime will be posted in a few weeks.

PRAYER WALK NO. 1 Phil and Jeanette Perry are leading a parish prayer walk on 26 October. This will begin at 10.30 in church and finish at approximately 12.00 at The Old Bull for lunch and / or drinks. The purpose of the walk is to :

1. Join together in short prayers for the local community, for the natural environment and for ourselves.

2. To increase our visibility as local Christians.

3. To enjoy fellowship in the great outdoors.

Everyone is very welcome to join us. It would be helpful if you could e-mail us on [email protected] [with an underscore between jeanette and phil] if you intend to participate, so that we can reserve sufficient places at The Old Bull.

ECO: There are booklets at the back of church titled “Jesus died for the planet” – please take one if any left – and return them after you have read it, so someone else can read them.

BIBLE SOCIETY OPEN GENERAL MEETING: Thursday 3rd October at the Evangelical Church 7.45 pm. Speaker from The Leprosy Mission.

See Brenda Watkins for more details.


The P.C.C. has decided that this year we should renew our tradition of having a Shoebox Appeal for Christmas.

Under the scheme church members each fill a box with a variety of useful small gifts. You can collect from church a leaflet (and a empty shoebox) which explains all the details. It contains suggestions of gifts for all family members, so no-one is left out, and includes items such a shower gel/shampoo, family games, stationery items, ideas for mum and dad and grandparents, as well as sweets, soft toys, hats and scarves, and lots more.

The filled boxes are then brought to the church to be collected by a charity, which takes them abroad to be distributed to needy families as Christmas gifts. The charity we will be working with this year is a Christian organisation called Link to Hope. Their annual family shoebox appeal has been running since 1992 and has sent over 800,000 boxes to hundreds of different locations. Link to Hope’s aim is to combat poverty and give humanitarian aid and has special concern for the most disadvantaged.

This year our shoeboxes will go to the poorest people in Ukraine, Moldova, Bulgaria and Romania.

Link to Hope believe that sending shoeboxes shows love from British people to those in war-torn or poverty-stricken circumstances, regardless of their background, colour or creed.

We will be launching the scheme at St. John the Baptist in October - watch out for details - and we will send the boxes off in early November.

THE CHURCHES TOGETHER LIGHT PARTY is returning on 31st October 2024 at Coombes Community Centre. We need at least 35 volunteers from our partner churches to make this event possible. Please would you share details of the event with your congregations and ask them to contact Louise Bradley as soon as possible if they are able to help at the event. We are also seeking volunteers for a prayer team who will be on site, in an upstairs room, praying for the event and the families who join us.

Please contact Louise Bradley on 07742 927160 or [email protected]

THE ANNUAL ALL SOULS' SERVICE will take place at Sunday 3rd November at 6pm. During this service there will be some well-known hymns, a reading from the bible, some prayers and a short address. There will be an opportunity to remember and give thanks for those we love who have died, to commemorate them by name and have candles lit as their name is read out as a prayerful expression of remembrance. If you would like your loved one remembered by name then you can contact Joanne Wallis on 07935 774633 or at [email protected].


Dear friends - the vicarage garden is beautiful and green but needs some other colours. If any of the gardeners amongst the congregation have any surplus plants we would be really grateful. As we are not knowledgeable gardeners please message Emma on [email protected] / 07851688610 to arrange a time when you can come to the vicarage and suggest where we should plant what you have. Thank you
Emma and Steven


Vicar: Revd Steven Sivyer  (rest day MONDAY)

Telephone no.  01763 243145

Email: [email protected]

Assistant Priest: The Reverend John Fidler

Telephone no. 01763 241886

Email: [email protected]

Reader: Emma Sivyer

Telephone no. 07851 688610

Email: [email protected]

Reader: Canon Reg Bailey

Telephone no. 01763 250637

Email: [email protected]

Parish Administrator: Joanne Wallis

Working hours: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 9 am to 1 pm

email: [email protected]

Mobile: 07935 774633

email: [email protected]