I am writing to say Thank You to you for all your support in enabling the work of our five churches across the Benefice to flourish. As a grassroots organisation, our churches are entirely dependent upon local people to give their time, energy, and money to function effectively. Without your support, very little ministry would take place within our communities. Whatever contribution you make be it volunteering to help keep the church clean, making cups of tea, reading at services, serving on a committee, making a regular financial contribution or helping with fund-raising, be assured that whatever you offer of yourself is not taken for granted. God calls us to live as disciples, helping out when and where we can. Thank You for your generosity in all that You share within the life of our churches as part of your own walk with God. Together we make a difference!
One of the projects that we have managed to complete in the past six months is the introduction of strategy documents for all of our churches. These are known as Mission Action Plans. Each of our Church Councils has set itself three targets to aim for over the next year including the introduction of a Coffee Morning (Ardeley), continuing to revise Service Booklets (Benington), review Welcome Material at the church door (Cottered) and promote Churchyard Working Parties (Walkern). Importantly the documents reflect the values of our shared congregational life and affirm that we are “careful to support a culture within our churches that is appropriately boundaried and respectful of everyone.” These documents have been published on the St Albans diocesan website and can be viewed at https://resource.stalbansdiocese.org/maps/
At the time of writing, the restoration works at St Lawrence’s, Ardeley are almost complete. This has been a significant project during which much stonework has been replaced particularly around some of our stained-glass windows. The stained-glass windows have themselves been cleaned allowing for more light to enter into the building - the more vibrant colours enhancing our worship. A huge Thank You to the team at Herringbone Ltd and AuraVisions Stained Glass Windows Restorations whose master craftsmanship will be admired by generations to come. This work has been funded by a legacy very kindly left to the church by the late Janet Naylor. Janet’s gift is an example of how a legacy left to the local church in a will can make for a lasting impact on the life of a community, ensuring that the heritage of the parish church can continue to be there for future generations, to be used and to be enjoyed by everyone. If you would like to leave a legacy to your church but are not sure how to go about it, please do get in touch.
It is always a privilege to be asked to officiate at a wedding and we are blessed to be able to offer some very beautiful venues in which to conduct such a sacred ceremony. (The above photograph is of our Sister Church of Holy Trinity, Throcking.) It is difficult to find the words with which to truly express the love that two people share as they reach that point in their journey together when they have decided to declare a lifelong commitment to each other. Standing together before God gives a profound sense of meaning that serves as a rock to hold onto in future years. Behind the scenes, weddings involve a whole myriad of people from organist, verger, flower arrangers and bell ringers. A very special Thank You however must go to Shirley Fowler who tirelessly cares for Holy Trinity Church at Throcking. Our resident bat population in the church requires a very special devotion to duty! Thank You too to James Smyth who spends many hours voluntarily tending the churchyard.
Work with our two church schools at Ardeley and Benington continues. We now have an established pattern of each year group visiting their local church for teaching sessions be it RE, art or history-related. These workshops are well received by both children and staff. It has been good to be able to extend this work in the past six months to Walkern Primary School. Walkern Primary is not a church school however the relationship between the School and St Mary’s Church is a close one and it is hoped that offering the same teaching sessions to those who attend Walkern Primary will become an established part of our shared life together.
Congratulations to Mrs Tyler and the team at Benington Church of England Primary School on continuing to be graded ‘Good’ by OFSTED. “The school’s leaders, governors and staff are determined to ‘inspire care, respect and trust for all’. They are relentless in their ambition to provide an exceptional quality of education and experiences for all pupils.”
June saw the national commemorations for D-Day. In Cottered Church an outstanding exhibition was put together exploring the impact of the war on Cottered Village and on the lives of residents and their families. Thank You to Jenny Thomson and Janis Hall who spent many hours researching and to Simon Cassia and others who helped mount the displays. Subsequent to the exhibition several folks have begun to share further stories of how the war impacted them and their families not least on those who were evacuated as children. The exhibition proved to be a powerful and profound experience for all. The Friends of Cottered Church D-Day cream teas were more than a treat too!
Sunday, the 30th of June saw the coming together of members of all of the churches to worship in St Peter’s, Benington. It was a joyful celebration for the patronal festival with music groups from St Lawrence’s, Ardeley St Mary’s, Walkern, the Benefice Choir and, Year 5-6 children from Benington School all taking an active part. The church was beautifully decorated with fabulous floral displays for the festival weekend. A huge Thank You to Beverley Harlow for co-ordinating the music and, to Dorothy Tulloch and the flower arrangers for a magnificent extravaganza of flowers.
God Bless, Mark
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