Every Wednesday at for 45 mins
An informal said service of Holy Communion. Usually with some readings, a psalm and a short homily and time of prayer, this more intimate service of Holy communion takes place in the sanctuary, around the altar.
Participants share communion with one another. It provides many with a boost to their week, and enables others to receive communion where a busy weekend prevents them from attending church. We conclude with refreshments and an extended opportunity to talk or pray for one another.
Participants share communion with one another. It provides many with a boost to their week, and enables others to receive communion where a busy weekend prevents them from attending church. We conclude with refreshments and an extended opportunity to talk or pray for one another.
Mid-week Benefice Holy Communion (Currently suspended but we hope to bring back soon)
Every Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. for 45 mins
Mid-week Benefice Holy Communion (Currently suspended but we hope to bring back soon)
Every Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. for 45 mins