Dear AllAs you read this we are midway through Holy Week. Tomorrow is our Maundy Thursday service taking place at St James at 7.30 pm - this year, as last, we will be washing hands not feet.Good Friday sees us worshipping through Messy Church from 10.00 am to 12 noon at St James, and the Last Hour at St Botolph’s church, Eastwick 2.00 pm to 3.00 pm taken by Judith Denton.Easter Saturday sees us at St Botolph’s Church, Eastwick for Messy Church again from 10.00 am – 12 noon (may I remind you that St Botolph’s does not have any toilets).Also happening on Easter Saturday is our Easter Vigil of readings, poems and prosecco around the fire (weather permitting) this will take place at St Mary’s from 7.00 pm onwards – please bring a chair, a rug and a torch so that you can enjoy this time together. (Also, a reminder there are no toilets at St Mary’s).Our Easter Sunday service will take place at 9.30 am at St James Church, this will be a Family friendly Eucharist with a craft activity at the back of church for children.I hope I see most of you at one of these services and may I wish you all a Happy Easter. May we invite Jesus to share in your celebrations as you remember with joy all that he has done for us.Your PriestAlisonPS I will be out of the parish from Monday 1stto Saturday 6th April but be back for the BCP and Family Service at St James on the 7th April.Romans 15:13May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Good morning everyoneWell, here we are on the cusp of Holy Week.Our service tomorrow (Palm Sunday) will follow the pattern of the service you have used in the past. The plan is to process around the church all holding our Palm crosses as we sing our hymn. I will also be using the dramatized reading of the gospel so come prepared to be of good voice for crowd, priests, passers-by, soldiers.I will also need someone to play Pilate and Jesus. So please let me know if you would like to do this.As we go into Holy Week there are a few things I want to highlight:-We are holding the Easter Vigil on Saturday (30th) at St Mary’s, Gilston at 7.00 pm.We are asking you to come with something to sit on, something to keep you warm and a torch.The plan is to sit together, around the firepit, read some of the set readings interspersed with poems and prayers, which we will all take part in.We will then all go into church to light our candles from the Easter Candle and sing a final hymn together. Rosemary is going to provide Prosecco if you would like some as we spend time together remembering. Hope you can make it as I feel this will be a very special time for us.We will be having a lot of contact with the school this week as I am in with Nursery, Reception and the RE council on Monday, I will be leading collective worship in the school on Tuesday, and also the school will be in church on Wednesday for their Easter Service. Please pray for the children, the parents and the teachers as they go into Easter, and for the hope that many children will come to our Messy Church sessions at St James on Good Friday or St Botolph’s on Easter Saturday.This year also we will have the opportunity and privilege to talk about Easter with our toddler group, each child will receive an age appropriate Easter story book and stickers and of course a little bit of chocolate, so please pray for our wonderful team on Thursday morning.As you may have picked up on the news the Princess of Wales has been diagnosed and is being treated for cancer. Please pray for her, her family and also King Charles as they face this difficult time together over the next few months. The Church of England has issued a prayer specifically for the Princess of Wales:-Gracious GodWe pray for the continued recoveryOf the Princess of Wales,For her husband, and for her family.Grant to them,And to all who are affected by sickness,Faith, hope and the knowledge of your love,Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.My hope and prayer for us all this Easter is that we will grow in the love and knowledge of Jesus, enjoy being together and sharing the Easter story with so many.Let us hold onto hope this Easter, regardless of what is happening in our world. Let us remember our Romans 15:13 scripture:-‘May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit’.See you very soonAlison
Jimmys baby and toddler group have some new soft play equipment to play with, come and have some fun! Every Thursday during term time between 09:30-11.30 High Wych Memorial Hall£1.50 per session (This will be increasing to £2.00 after Easter) Drinks, snacks for children provided😀
Dear AllEaster is approaching so quickly, with lots of planning happening as we speak. I hope you will be able to make the Messy Church briefing by Janet on Sunday after the service – 10.45 am at St James. Thank you to all of you who have volunteered for this amazing ministry. As you know we are trying this at St Botolph’s, Eastwick for the first time on Easter Saturday and I am hopeful that the children who live there will come. Peter is planning to cook hot dogs – he is a bit of a whizz at this😊This Sunday we have Glyn Barker coming to preach to us and I am really looking forward to hearing him. Glyn as well as a reader for Holy Trinity, Hertford Heath is also the Finance Director for St Albans Diocese. He was a great colleague when I worked there and I am looking forward to welcoming him on Sunday and hearing what God has put on his heart for us.I have been visiting funeral families over the past week or so and was able to deliver some of the primula’s we had for Mother’s Day. They have been so appreciated.These small acts of kindness that we can do for our neighbours are just one of the ways we can be an encouragement and a comfort, so thank you for all those who visit others.Hopefully, I will see you on Sunday. If you need a conversation or a cuppa just drop me a line or ring me.Every blessingAlison