Epiphany Explanation and Prayer


The Feast of Epiphany

The Feast of Epiphany celebrates the revealing of God in human form, recalling the visit of the Magi (or wise men) who brought gifts to the infant Jesus.

The word ‘epiphany’ comes from the Greek word ‘epiphaneia’ which means ‘appearing’.

This is celebrated on 6th January, 12 days after Christmas Day.

The season of Epiphany continues until 2nd February.

Epiphany Blessing

It is a tradition that dates to the Middle Ages, bringing God’s blessing on homes for the year ahead. Chalking a symbolic blessing onto houses at Epiphany. The blessing to chalk this year is:-

20 + C + M + B + 24

24 stands for the year.

C, M and B stand for the wise men – Caspar, Melchior and Balthasar – who we remember coming to worship Jesus at this time.

These letters also stand for: Christus Mansion Benedicat – Latin for ‘May Christ bless this house’.

In recent years and with the ongoing uncertainty of the year to come, it seems more pertinent than ever to ask for God’s blessing on our homes this year.

If you would like to join this tradition, you can use chalk to write the symbolic blessing round the front door of your house (as it is chalk it will wear away over time, but the sentiment remains), and you might like to say the prayer.

With every blessing to you and your household in 2024.

Dear God

The three wise men

Caspar, Melchior and Balthasar

followed the star to Bethlehem and to

the child Jesus, 2024 years ago,

bringing gifts of blessing.

I ask for your blessing on this home

And all who live here, in this year.

May your peace fill this home and this heart,

May you keep us safe and healthy.

May all who visit here

Know your warmth and love
