Calling all Carollers!


Due to various operations and amazing festive holidays, the St James choir is going to be a bit depleted for this years christingle and midnight mass services, so …… 

Do you love Christmas? Do you love to sing a carol? 

If the answer is yes to either of those questions and you would be willing to come and be part of our community choir at either of the services, we would be truly grateful! 

Service details/arrival times are below, you don’t need to read music, just be willing to be part of the chorus! 

Christingle - 24th at 17:00 (arrive 16:40 and ask for Janet or Gemma) Christmas jumper/Christmas hat or wear anything Christmasy 

Midnight Mass - 24th at 23:00 (arrive 22:40 and ask for Janet) this will be in choir robes so please arrive in plenty of time to be issued with one

Thank you in advance!!!