Dear Friend
There’s no doubt that as a nation we’re facing tremendously challenging times – perhaps the most critical in our history since the Second World War. As Christians, praying with and for our nation and political leaders is vital.
‘First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.’
1 Timothy 2.1–2 (ESV)
This year, because of the coronavirus pandemic, the National Parliamentary Prayer Breakfast on Tuesday 30 June will be held online. For the first time ever, everyone is welcome to attend. You can join MPs and Peers as well as Ambassadors and church leaders as they pray and speak on the theme of ‘Hope and peace in a time of fear and suffering’.
Find out more and register for free
Following the Prayer Breakfast, Bible Society will also be hosting a seminar entitled, ‘Mission during lockdown and beyond’. So, if you’re interested to know more about the implications of the coronavirus crisis for the church and the world, make sure you sign up for the free seminar too.
We hope you will make the most of this unprecedented opportunity. Please spread the word as widely as possible and why not encourage your local MP by telling them you are supporting them in prayer?
Esther King
Digital Communications Officer