Loving God,
You teach us to follow the example of the Good Samaritan, and to seek out those in need and call them our neighbours. Thank you for the call you make on us to love and serve our community, and for the many people you bring alongside us to build your kingdom.
We pray for the work of all those who share your love among the poor and vulnerable, especially praying for the Foodbank, the Salvation Army and the HT Night Shelter & Community Outreach. We thank you for the imagination and courage that has led to new ways of working, including the Foodbank Delivery Hub at the Night Shelter, ensuring that the increasing need for help in our community can be met safely and swiftly with the delivery of boxes. We thank you for new relationships with those on the frontline of supporting our community, especially our work with schools to ensure that families in need are identified.
We pray for those who are currently homeless. We thank you for the work of East Herts Homelessness Team in trying to support all those in need, through temporary accommodation and onward pathways. We pray for your guidance for all those making decisions on behalf of vulnerable people, from Government Ministers to face to face workers, that they may show compassion and care for those in need.
In these uncertain times, help us to trust you, Lord, our rock and redeemer.
Guide us by your Spirit to hear and respond to new challenges, and as we help in practical ways, may we also bring the Good News of your love to all those in need.
The Trustees of the Holy Trinity Night Shelter & Community Outreach are pleased to have received planning permission for the refurbishment and development of the Hall. We hope that this will allow us to work in new and deeper ways with those in need.
Please see The Independent’s article for some background: