Weekly prayer topics

Last Updated: 26th January 2025

Here we suggest focus points for prayer, but please continue to pray for the work of our churches and missionary partners around the world (at www.achurchnearyou.com/church/7825/page/77358/view)

Church family news:

- Ken is currently in hospital. Please pray for him, and for Gwen as she is treated for a chest infection.

- Please continue to pray for Shirley, Jim and all who mourn for Angela.

- Those for whom we have been praying recently are still in need of our prayers. Please don’t forget them just because their names are no longer listed.

- Each week, there are people we know who are unwell but who prefer not to be named here. God knows who they are; please pray for them all.

Pray for our community

In our cycle of prayers, this week we ask you to include in your prayers:

- our schools, out of school clubs, playgroups and child-minders

- new and expectant parents as they work to form networks with other families

- local teenagers as they navigate the joys and challenges of growing up

Pray for our outreach, our service and our churches

This week we ask you to include in your prayers:

- the new group of young adults who are meeting weekly to explore what it means to follow Jesus

- our benefice choir, Michael and Rob, who leads our music on 1st Sundays with Rebecca and Gaby

- our bell ringers who call our people to worship each Sunday

Pray for our mission partners

In our cycle of prayers for our mission partners, this week we ask you to remember the work of Stephen and Catherine McGoldrick. More information about our partners can be found on our website.

Stephen and Catherine serve in Burundi but are currently in the UK. They give thanks for our prayer support as they have waited for Stephen’s operation.

Please pray for:

- Stephen’s speedy recovery after successful surgery this week on his shoulder

- his ongoing treatment and opportunity for rest and relaxation to facilitate that

If you are aware of anyone who would like our prayers, or who would like the church family to share in some news, good or bad, please let Caroline know.