Virtual Prayer Meeting

Every Tuesday at for 45 mins
Online - zoom

We are going to be trying something new for 2024 with trialling a virtual prayer meeting on a Tuesday morning at 09:30.

It's an opportunity for us to come together at the start of the week, before things get too busy, to find time to help invite the Holy Spirit into our heart and minds for the week ahead.


Meeting ID: 845 5790 0182 Passcode: 640464

Monthly Holy Communion

Monthly. Every Second Sunday at for 1 hour
St Mary's
Gilston Harlow, CM20 2RJ, United Kingdom

At the heart of our Communion service, also known as the Eucharist, is thanksgiving, we give thanks for all that God has given us in Christ.

At this service, we, as a community, gather to ask for God’s forgiveness for sins, to listen to readings from the Bible, including a reading from one of the Gospels, to hear a sermon from Rev Alison, and to come together in prayer.

We receive consecrated bread and wine and at the end of the service, after sharing refreshments, we go out into the world to live and work to God’s praise and glory.

We love to welcome anyone to our monthly Sunday service so please do come along!

Jim's Café

Every Monday at for 1 hour
Coffee Lounge
High Wych Lane, High Wych, Sawbridgeworth, CM21 0JJ, United Kingdom

This is a new after school café for Year 7 pupils.

Homemade snacks and drinks will be provided but if you would like to make a donation toward the cost, see the attached flyer for the QR code.

If you would like more information, please contact Rev Alison on -
- [email protected]
- 07833667707

Hope to see some of you there!

View attachment

Jim's Café only runs during term time

Lent Study - Holy Habits: Following Jesus

Every Wednesday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Start date
Please note that this event will not start until

This Lent we will be studying Holy Habits by Andrew Roberts.

Holy Habits is an adventure in whole-life Christian discipleship that draws upon the gospel of Luke. It encourages 10 holy habits that were modelled by Jesus and helped form our early Christian communities. They remain foundational for healthy growth of your Christian journey.

The ten habits are - Biblical teaching; Fellowship; breaking bread; prayer; sharing resources; serving; eating together; gladness and generosity; worship and making more disciples.

This material is suitable for those who are new to Holy Habits and those who have journeyed with this way of forming disciples for some time. More information can be found on

The dates we will be meeting will follow on from the Ash Wednesday service on 5th March - 12th, 19th, 26th March and 2nd, 9th and 16th April.

When we meet we will experience the study through scripture reading, powerful video and music and times to reflect as well as to discuss. These sessions will use all your senses.

You can attend all these sessions in person at The Rectory, 1 Dovedale, High Wych, CM21 0DT Tel No 01279 790145 or Mob: 0783 366 7707 or contact Rev Alison Jackson on [email protected]

There is a book of Bible reflections for the 40 days of Lent that accompanies this course at a cost of £3.99. If you let me know if you would like this I can order them for you in bulk.

This course will be held in person at the Rectory

Messy Chruch

Monthly. Every Third Sunday at for 2 hours
Please note that this event will not be taking place between and
St James The Great
St James The Great, High Wych Road High Wych Sawbridgeworth, CM21 0JB, United Kingdom

This is an all age, family friendly free event focused on having fun and creating time for us to come together and hear the stories of Jesus and growing as a community.

We will do crafting, singing, listen to a story and then eat some yummy food together, what could be better on a Sunday afternoon.

Please be aware that our sessions in January and February will be held at the High Wych Memorial Hall. From March we will be back in the church and remember, this is a free event so we look forward to welcoming you!

Good Friday Messy Church

for 2 hours
St James The Great
St James The Great, High Wych Road High Wych Sawbridgeworth, CM21 0JB, United Kingdom

This is an all age, family friendly free event focused on having fun and creating time for us to come together and hear the stories of Jesus and growing as a community.

We will do crafting, singing, listen to a story and then eat some yummy food together, what could be better on a Friday morning

this is a free event so we look forward to welcoming you!

The Last Hour at the Cross Service

for 1 hour
St Botolph's
St Botolph's, Eastwick Harlow, CM20 2QZ, United Kingdom

Join us for the last hour of Jesus’ life before he died at 3pm.

This is a short reflective service as we think and remember the last hour of Jesus’ life

Easter Vigil - Poems and Prosecco

for 2 hours
St Mary's
Gilston Harlow, CM20 2RJ, United Kingdom

Come and join us for our Easter Vigil featuring an open firepit, prosecco and poems or favourite readings (to bring and share) – we will light the new pascal candles to be used in our churches for the next year

Community Dog Walk (Dogs optional!)

for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Mary's
Gilston Harlow, CM20 2RJ, United Kingdom

This is an opportunity to get together as a community, walk talk and end up with drinks and cake at St Marys. The walk should last about an hour and will be child friendly, dog friendly and muddy, come prepared!

Refreshments will be available at St Marys from 16:00 onwards

Art Exhibition

for 1 hour
St Mary's
Gilston Harlow, CM20 2RJ, United Kingdom

This event will showcase a variety of art work inside the church so do come and join us if you are able.

Cheese and wine refreshments will be serviced

Quiz Night

for 5 hours
Eastwick and Gilston Village Hall
Eastwick and Gilston Village Hall, Harlow, CM20 2FG, United Kingdom

Come and test your brain power at our first fundraising event for St Marys and St Botolph's churches.

Price - £5.00 per person.

Teams are a max of 6 people, if wanted, you do need to bring your own alcohol, although nibbles will be provided and tea, coffee and cake available to purchase at £2.00

We will be having a raffle with some excellent prizes so you'll want to bring your cash as we will be selling strips of raffle tickets for £1.00 each.

If you'd like to book a table, please email [email protected] or [email protected]

We hope to see you there!

PCC Meeting

Wednesday 31 January 2024, Thursday 21 March 2024, Wednesday 18 September 2024, Wednesday 06 November 2024 at for 1 hour
St Mary's

This is the regular meeting of St Botolph's and St Marys PCC