Welcome to St Mary's Church, in the parish of Henlow in Bedfordshire.St. Mary's, Henlow, is a friendly village church with a range of services and activities. Our normal pattern of worship consists of:
+ Eucharistic morning services on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month;
+ Less formal Morning Worship on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month;
+ Morning Prayer, celebrated over Zoom, each Tuesday morning, and
+ Compline, celebrated over Zoom, each Thursday evening.
All Sunday services are followed by refreshments served in the church.
Children are welcome to all our services, and there are baby-changing facilities and an upper room from which the service can be both observed and heard discretely.
Other activities include a choir and bell ringing, prayer groups, coffee mornings and tending the beautiful and extensive churchyard.