Facilities and features


In the church.

I the toilet, in the church.

Behind the church.

On the main road.

Not easily accessible but disabled facility available.

If requested by the door.

T loop.

Please ask for a copy.

If you make us aware, we can provide for you.

If you need access please let us know so we can place the ramps down for you.

Our Building

Open for individual prayer
Stained Glass

We have a Silver Eco Award 2023

Warm Space
Changing place space

Grade 2*

Music and Worship

We have 8 bells and 4 can be rung at present.

At least twice a year.

Played for each service.

Choir Practice every Thursday at 7.30pm in the church.

Groups, Courses and Activities

Please ask to obtain access to the brass area.

See webpage, pew sheet for updates.

Online Alpha: Thursdays 7.30pm email the rector for login details.

Craft and Chat every Monday in the church 10am-noon.

See Messy Church page.

Help for Visitors

In the church.

Every day until 5pm

Other Features

Donations can be left in the box in the church porch.

Trees are under order of preservation.

See church Hall webpage.