United with St.Mary the Virgin in Podington
- Occurring
- Every Third Sunday at for 1 hour
- Venue
- St. Mary the Virgin
- Address St. Mary the Virgin, High St., Podington, Bedfordshire., NN29 7HS
We no longer have a 9:30 service here on the third Sunday of the month (ie a date of 15th-21st). Instead we meet with St.Mary's Podington, NN29 7HS, for their 11:00am service. For those who need an earlier service, there are 9:30am Eucharists at St.Peter's Harrold, and All Saint's Odell. For more information on these or other services please contact The Revd Jacqueline Curtis and the Revd Peter Turnbull, 3 The Moor, Carlton, Beds MK43 7JR 01234 720961 or email [email protected].
Or meet with Wymington chapel on the High street at 10:00.
United with St.Mary the Virgin in Podington
Every Third Sunday at 11 a.m. for 1 hour
United with St.Mary the Virgin in Podington
Every Third Sunday at 11 a.m. for 1 hour