Morning Prayer

Every Wednesday at for 1 hour
St Nicholas, Wilden
St. Nicholas Church, High St, Wilden, Bedford, MK44 2PB, United Kingdom

A service of morning prayer

Cuppa at the Church

Every Wednesday at for 2 hours
St Nicholas, Wilden
St. Nicholas Church, High St, Wilden, Bedford, MK44 2PB, United Kingdom

Preceded by a short said service of Morning Prayer at 9.15am

Cuppa at the Church

Every Wednesday at for 2 hours
St Nicholas, Wilden
St. Nicholas Church, High St, Wilden, Bedford, MK44 2PB, United Kingdom

Join us for a cuppa and cakes every Wednesday

Lent Course - "The Sacraments" Bolnhurst Old School

Every Wednesday and Thursday at for 2 hours
Bolnhurst Old School
School Lane, Bolnhurst, MK44 2EN, United Kingdom

We are pleased to have two groups on offer during Lent. This year in conjunction with Colmworth Chapel
Do join us for one of them:
We will be looking into and discussing "The Sacraments" by Jane Williams
Held at Bolnhurst Old School, MK44 2HR, we meet at 12.30 to share an optional lunch, with discussion from 1.30pm
on the following dates:
Thurs 13th, Wed 19th, Thurs 27th March, Wed 2nd & Wed 9th April

Please contact Rev Jane Bass [email protected] if you would like to join and if you will be requiring lunch.

Held on Wednesdays and Thursdays on Thurs 13th, Wed 19th, Thurs 27th March and Wed 2nd & Wed 9th April

Lent Course - "Lent for Everyone" All Saints Church, Ravensden

Every Tuesday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Start date
Please note that this event will not start until
All Saints, Ravensden
Church End Ravensden Bedford, MK44 2RR, United Kingdom

We are pleased to offer two Lent Courses this year in conjunction with Colmworth Chapel. Come and join us as we dip into Tom Wright's series of devotionals entitled "Lent for Everyone".
We meet at 1.30 pm for tea or coffee with discussion from 2.00– 3.00pm
11th, 18th, 25th March and 1st & 8th April

Evening Prayer - St Nicholas, Wilden

Monthly. Every First, Third Sunday at for 1 hour
St Nicholas, Wilden
St. Nicholas Church, High St, Wilden, Bedford, MK44 2PB, United Kingdom

You are welcome to join on the first and third Sunday of the month for our service of Evening Prayer

Evening Prayer

Sunday 05 May 2024, Sunday 19 May 2024, Sunday 02 June 2024, Sunday 16 June 2024, Sunday 07 July 2024, Sunday 21 July 2024 at for 1 hour
St Nicholas, Wilden
St. Nicholas Church, High St, Wilden, Bedford, MK44 2PB, United Kingdom

Join us for a service of Evening Prayer USUALLY on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month. Please check our website for details