About Us
Welcome to All Saints, Souldrop, part of the Sharnbrook Benefice Churches. We are a friendly, small community in north Bedfordshire.
We usually have two services a month in All Saints - a 10:30am Family Communion on the second Sunday of the month and a 3pm Faith Explorers service on the third Sunday of the month. There is a real sense of family in all of our services, and we always have activities and participation for children.
Whether it is your first time visiting us or you are a regular, you are sure of a warm welcome at All Saints!
Who's who
Rector: Revd. Paolo Di Leo (07968 606377)
Church Warden: Nick Wells (07841 759497)
History of the building
The present church at Souldrop is chiefly Victorian, and is the outcome of significant rebuilding works. However, its unbuttressed west tower is of C. 1275, and has a contemporary broach spire with two tiers of lucames. According to Pevsner, it is the oldest spire in the county.
For a detailed history see History by Chris Pickford - May 1992 on the Building History tab below.
Due to some required repairs, the bells can only be 'chimed' rather than rung at the moment and there is an innovative set-up to allow all three bells to be operated by one person using two hands and a foot, though Nick usually does get some assistance with ringing before services.