About Us

Welcome to St Peter's, Sharnbrook, part of the Sharnbrook Benefice Churches. We are a friendly community and whatever tradition or form of worship you are used to we trust that you will feel comfortable worshiping with us.

We work closely with other churches in our Benefice, and so our weekly Choral Communion service alternates between St Peter's and St Mary's, Felmersham. You can find details of services and events across our Benefice here or what is specifically happening in St Peter's here.

In addition to our Sunday morning services we have sung Evensong on alternate Sundays, at 6pm when the evenings are lighter, and 3pm in the winter months. We also have a mid-week Book of Common Prayer communion service on alternate Wednesdays and our Little Hearts toddler playgroup meets on Friday mornings from 9:30am-11am.

All the details of events taking place can be found here.

Not just for Sundays

As your local parish church, we are here to support everyone in our village. Whether you are going through one of life's big ups or downs, or if you need a listening ear in the day-to-day challenges, we are here for you. Please reach out to us if you need to talk.

We are committed to support and outreach in our local community, helping those who are lonely, vulnerable, or in need. We provide visits through our Paths to Peace pastoral initiative, and can connect people to other agencies and charities for support. We are active as part of the Sharnbrook Support Group, which provides befriending support and donations for people seeking asylum who are housed in Sharnbrook Hotel.  

Who's who

Rector: Revd. Paolo Di Leo (07968 606377)

Church Warden: Roland Carpenter (07801 750963)

We are also supported by a team of retired priests, lay leaders of worship and many others who make everything we do possible.

About St Peter's

St. Peter's Sharnbrook is the larger of the parishes in the combined benefice and associated with H.E. Bates well-known character 'Uncle Silas'. It is a fine thirteenth century Church remodelled from the earlier Norman building. The river Ouse forms the southern boundary of the parish.