Facilities and features


Although the church has no toilet facilities, we hope to have a W/C installed by the end of February 2025, in the mean time you may use the toilet facilities at the entrance into the Queens Head Pub, which is a few minutes from the church on the A6 or the toilets at the garden centre in the village on Radwell Road.

Baby Changing Facilities

You can park in: The Village Hall car park or in the lay-by by the school, which are both a couple of minutes walk from the church or in front of the church, where there are only limited spaces available.

There is a defibrillator on the wall in the village car park a few minutes walk from the church.

We have a mobile ramp available on the left hand side as you come into the church behind the bench on the right of the font.

We have a hearing loop for your convenience if you need it.

Assistance dogs are always welcome.

Wheel chair users are always welcome. The actual floor in the church is lower than the floor in the South Porch which is the entrance into the church. There is a mobile ramp available on the left hand side as you come into the church behind the bench on the right of the font.

Our Building

The church is open for private prayer every day, generally from about 09:00 until about 17:00. You are very welcome.

We have a number of beautiful stained glass windows, which are well worth a visit to the church.

All Saints’ is a grade I listed building. Upon entering the church you will find a dispenser with printed booklets which give you insight about the church history, you are welcome to take one and take it home after your visit.

Music and Worship

We have a bell tower with 6 bells some of which go back to the 1600! Bell ringers practice on alternative Tuesdays at Milton Ernest and St Thomas a Becket in Clapham. Please contact Richard Newman on 07711 899217 if you are interested in learning to ring bells or would like to see our bellringers practicing.

Concerts are held in the church from time to time. Current ones' are advertised on the notice board in the south porch entrance. Do come and join us.

Our organ was build by C H Walker in 1887 and was relocated from its previous position in the north chancel chamber to its current position on the west end gallery in 1972,

We generally have one BCP Holy Communion service on the first Sunday of the month at 08:00.

Groups, Courses and Activities

We are currently holding after school clubs on the 'Third Thursday at Three Thirty' each month in in the Village Hall and we have holiday clubs. Please visit our website www.mptchurches.org.uk for details.

Help for Visitors

We are very pleased to give guided tours of our church for an individual as well as a group. The tours give inside to orgin of the building and how it developed over the centuries. Connections with some famous figures in history and give you as well some insight behind the scenes!!
Please contact [email protected] or call 07747 694700 to arrange. We look forward hearing from you.

Upon entering of the Church building you will find a dispenser with guiding booklets to enhance your visit to this fabulous Grade I listed building. We hope you enjoy your visit!

The church is open for visitors and private prayer every day from about 09:00 until 17:00. Times may vary a little as this is done by volunteers.

Well behaved dogs are always welcome

Other Features

We do use microphones most of the time during church services. The celebrant tends to use a clip on microphone and there is a microphone for those reading from the lectern.