Easter Dawn

for 1 hour
North Door of the Parish Church
North Door of the Parish Church, Meet outside the North Door (up the hill from the main door), SW15 4LA, United Kingdom

Come and join us outside the North Door as we light the Easter Fire at dawn and bring the Light of Christ into the parish church for the first holy communion of Easter.

Breakfast to follow. All are welcome.

Holy Trinity, Roehampton

All are welcome at the parish church of Roehampton.

Come and join us any Sunday at 10, or for morning and evening prayer 8.30 and 5.30 Sunday to Monday.

See "Services and Events" for more on what's happening in the run up to Easter.

Our website tells you all about how you can be part of this and help shape it: www.holytrinityroehampton.org

Get in touch

The Revd Joshua Rey

Holy Trinity Vicarage, Ponsonby Road, Roehampton, London,

SW15 4LA

Our website

What's on

Easter Dawn

for 1 hour
North Door of the Parish Church
North Door of the Parish Church, Meet outside the North Door (up the hill from the main door), SW15 4LA, United Kingdom

Come and join us outside the North Door as we light the Easter Fire at dawn and bring the Light of Christ into the parish church for the first holy communion of Easter.

Breakfast to follow. All are welcome.


Church should be a place where everyone is safe, and free to know God as he reveals himself in Christ.

Usually this hope is realised. But sometimes, a child, young person, vulnerable adult, or someone else, can be harmed by another person in Church. If this has happened to you, or if you are afraid it is happening or may happen, please do not keep this to yourself.

We want to hear what you have to say. We will listen carefully, with respect, and without judging. And we will make sure appropriate action is taken in line with best practice.

If you are happy to do so, please contact the Parish Safeguarding Officer, or the Vicar, or the Curate - contact details available on the church safeguarding page https://www.holytrinityroehampton.org/safeguarding/.

On the other hand, if you prefer, Holy Trinity Roehampton is part of the Diocese of Southwark, and you can always contact the Diocesan safeguarding team. Or telephone on 020 7939 9423 (office hours), 020 3874 6743 (out of hours).

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Holy Trinity, Roehampton Charity No. 1156642