
We were unable to provide opening hours. Please contact the Church for more information

Rev Tim Madeley (Vicar)
07307 191582

Getting here

Christchurch is a vibrant church with an informal, contemporary and relevant style of worship. We are situated at the heart of the Bushmead community and our aim is to bring God’s love to those around us – whatever their age or background. We place a high value on connecting with other members of the church family and with those in our local community.
We’d love to welcome you – just come along on a Sunday, or to one of our mid-week events. And do give us a ring if you’d like more information about what we do and who we are, or would just like to talk to someone.

We are one of the growing numbers of Anglican churches who have an informal and contemporary ethos whilst holding closely to the timeless values of the Bible. Whether you are nine or ninety – single or married – employed, unemployed or retired – our doors and our hearts are wide open to you. In our worship we seek the face of Jesus as we invite the Holy Spirit to bring alive the scriptures and make them relevant and challenging to our every day lives. Many of us meet midweek in small groups as well as on Sunday mornings in church. As we explore the message of the Gospel together, we discover that the love of God calls us to bring hope to the many in the broader community of Luton who are trying to find meaning in life. As well as inviting people to join us in courses which explain the Christian faith, many of us go out into the places in Luton where people are in one kind of need or another. In these ’Mercy Missions’ we are simply passing on to others the blessing we ourselves have received from God.

Christchurch is part of the ’’New Wine’ network of churches across the UK who share similar values.

Our services

Every Sunday we have a worship service, starting at 10 30.  We have an informal and contemporary style of worship and biblically-based, relevant teaching.  On the first Sunday of each month we celebrate Holy Communion at this service.  There are groups for children of all ages, from 0 – 14 years. Occasionally we have all-age services where the whole family can worship together.

On the 2nd Sunday of the Month something different happens
9.30 Messy Church (In the main church)
10.30 Tidy Church (in the upper room)

Wednesday Church.  Starting at 11.00 am each week. This is a more quiet reflective service and is followed by tea/coffee/biscuits and a time of getting to know each other.

Please note on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month the service is followed by either Light Bite or Mustard Seed Lunch Club.

Hancock Drive
Bushmead, Luton

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