Latest newsletter from Linda, The Rector.

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Notices Church_news News_about_our_building From_the_Vicar Community_news Advent christmas

Hello Everyone
With the nights drawing in and the temperatures dipping, we are quickly entering the time of year when we will look to pretty decorative lights to light our way with the excitement of the appearance of Christmas lights on Christmas trees, in shop windows and decorated houses and gardens. This evening people gathered on The Green in Toddington for the official turning on of the Christmas lights, and there were many happy conversations taking place.

Schools are preparing for Christmas nativity and concerts, and we too are preparing in our churches during this season of Advent as we look ahead to the Christmas services and events: carol and crib services, the Toddington Christmas Tree festival, Christmas Messy Church, and the next Chalgrave Pop-Up Tea room at Tebworth with Christmas carols. In these cold, wet and dark days, how important it is to get together to support each other, and to also remember Jesus, the Light of the World, the reason for the season.

This Sunday's services:
9.30am Holy Communion Service at Chalgrave Church - Linda 

11am Holy Communion Service at Toddington Church - Linda 

1pm Baptism Service at Toddington Church - Linda

This week's services and events: 

Monday 28 November

9.30am Morning Prayer, Toddington 

Tuesday 29 November

10.30am Knitting Group, Wilkinson Hall
5.45pm Youth group, Wilkinson Hall

Wednesday 30 November
10.30am to 3pm Wednesday Winter Warmer time together with lunch, Wilkinson Hall 

Dunstable Deanery Meeting, All Saints Church, Leighton Buzzard 7.30pm

Thursday 1st December
The funeral of Rita Stares, 12.30pm Toddington Church. The service will be live-streamed, and you can access the service by clicking on this link

Friday 2nd December

10.30am Painting for Pleasure Group, Wilkinson Hall
7pm Scout Carol Service, Toddington Church

Saturday 3rd December

7.30pm Musical Concert by the Luton Youth Cantores Choir and Peculi8. Costs £6 (pay at the door cash only please). There will be a comfort break in the middle and seasonal refreshments will be served in the Wilkinson Hall at the end for those who would like to stay and celebrate. The concert is being run jointly by Toddington Music Society and the Church and profits will be shared. See attached poster

Future Christmas services and events for your diaries:

9 December 7pm Christmas Tree Festival Preview Evening. Tickets from Fran or Dee
10 and 11 December Christmas Tree festival, Toddington Church, ending on Sunday afternoon with carols. Refreshments in Wilkinson Hall
11 December, 7pm Carols by Candlelight Service at Chalgrave Church (Sunday this year)
13 December, 5.45pm Christmas Youth Group, Wilkinson Hall
14 December 9.15am a Lower school visit to Toddington church to sing carols
14 December separate morning and afternoon visits by Parkfields school to Toddington Church for their Christmas Carol Services
14 December Chalgrave Christmas Pop Up Tea room, Tebworth Memorial Hall 11am
15 December Lower School Christmas Service at Toddington Church
16 December Christmas 'Messy Church' 3.30pm (and last day of term)
17 December Toddington Band Christmas Concert, Toddington Church, 3pm
18 December, Service of 9 Lessons and Carols, Toddington Church, 6.30pm

24 December Crib Service 3pm Chalgrave Church,
24 December Crib Service 4.30pm Toddington Church
24 December 'Midnight Mass' 10pm Toddington Church
24 December Midnight Mass, 11.15pm Chalgrave Church
25 December Christmas Morning, Benefice service 10am Holy Communion, Toddington Church

It will be a busy time, but a joyful time. God bless
Linda (and Nigel)