Latest Newsletter from Linda, The Rector.

Notices Church_news News_about_our_building From_the_Vicar Community_news christmas

Hello Everyone

This Sunday is Christ the King Sunday, and our usual Sunday morning services will take place:

9.30am Holy Communion Service at Chalgrave - led by Rev Nigel Washington

11am Holy Communion Service at Toddington - led by Rev Nigel Washington

and there is Messy Breakfast in Wilkinson Hall at 9.15am too, which is a family time to gather for breakfast, with crafts too.

Nigel is covering at Toddington and Chalgrave churches this week so I can cover services at Harlington and Westoning during their vacancy ( a certain irony there!) so I am sorry not to be with you and will miss you, but you will be in safe hands with Nigel.

This week's events:


Monday 21st 9.30am Morning Prayer - Toddington Church

Tuesday 22nd 10.30am Knitting Group - Wilkinson Hall

Wednesday 23rd Winter Warmer 10.30am until 3pm with lunches served at 12 noon at Wilkinson Hall

Wednesday 23rd Chalgrave's monthly Pop Up Tea Room 11am until 1pm Tebworth Memorial Hall (with lots of home made cakes and good company)

Friday 25th Painting for Pleasure group 10.30am Wilkinson Hall

Friday 25th Messy Church 3.30-5.30pm Wilkinson Hall

Saturday 26th November 9am Christmas Bazaar at Wilkinson Hall, followed at 10.30am by Coffee Morning

Council fun afternoon on the Green and lighting of the Christmas Lights

Sunday 27 November 9.30am Holy Communion, Chalgrave

11am Holy Communion,Toddington

1pm Baptism Service Toddington

Looking ahead: dates for your diaries:

29 November Youth group, Wilkinson Hall

30 November 7.30pm Dunstable Deanery Meeting

1 December 12.30am Funeral of Rita Stares

2nd December 7pm Scouts' Carol Service

9 December - preview evening for Christmas Tree Festival- Toddington

10 and 11 December - Christmas Tree Festival - Toddington

11 December - Chalgrave Carols by Candlelight 7pm (note Sunday evening this year)

13 December Youth Group 5.30pm Wilkinson Hall

14 December local schools' Christmas services at Church

14 December Chalgrave Christmas Pop Up Tea room 11am

15 December Lower School Christmas service at church

16 December Christmas Messy Church

17 December Toddington Band Christmas Concert in church pm

18 December 9 Lessons and Carols Service, Toddington 6.30pm (unless changed to later in the week tbc)

24 December Crib Services: Chalgrave Church 3pm, Toddington Church 4.30pm

24 December Midnight Mass Service Toddington 10pm, Chalgrave 11.15pm

25 December Benefice Christmas Morning Holy Communion Service 10am Toddington

How time flies by! Have a good week, and see you soon,

God bless

Linda (and Nigel)