Latest Newsletter from Linda, The Rector.

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Hello Everyone

This has been a week of sensitive remembering of loved ones who have died. Last Sunday we held special 'In Loving Memory Services' at Toddington and Chalgrave churches and people took time to light candles in memory of loved ones. 

On Friday, I was fortunate to be invited to two special school Remembrance services: the first at St George's Lower School where each child laid a poppy petal to create a large school poppy, to remember the soldiers who had died. The year four children capably spoke out about the importance of Remembrance day and also sang a beautiful Remembrance Song. 

Parkfields Middle School kindly invited me to their special Remembrance Service where we all gathered outside to pay our respects, with class wreaths being laid, a two minute silence observed, poems read by students, and the Last Post played ably by a student. It was a moving service and such a privilege for me to attend both of these special services with our young people. 

Sadly, I was not able to attend the community service on the Village Green this year, which was at the same time, but it was rather lovely to hear the bugle sound in the distance on the Green as the school's Last Post fell silent, reminding us of being united in the act of Remembrance. 

This Sunday, our local village communities will gather on Toddington Green at 10.40am and at Tebworth Memorial Hall at 3pm for their respective Remembrance services with the British Legion, and wreaths of poppies will be laid in solemn tribute to local soldiers who gave their lives so selflessly in the different wars. Do please join us if you can.

There will also be a short time of remembering with the laying of a wreath at Chalgrave Church memorial at 2pm All welcome. 

This week saw the successful launch of Wednesday Winter Warmer gathering at Wilkinson Hall from 10.30 to 3pm. This will take place on Wednesdays leading up to Christmas. All Welcome. 

 There will be other events too. 

This Sunday's Services.. Remembrance Sunday

9.30am Toddington and Chalgrave benefice Holy Communion Service at St George of England Church, Toddington 

10.40am Remembrance Service on the Green at Toddington

2pm a short time of Remembrance - Chalgrave Church

3pm Tebworth, Wingfield and Chalgrave Remembrance Service, Tebworth Memorial Hall

This week's services and events:


9.30am Morning Prayer - Toddington Church

Seated Pilates 2pm- Wilkinson Hall


Knitting Group 10.30am- Wiilkinson Hall


Wednesday Winter Warmer 10.30-3pm Wilkinson Hall


Fellowship Group 2.4pm - Wilkinson Hall

Toddington PCC Meeting 7pm

Friday Painting for Pleasure 10.30am- Wilkinson Hall

Dates for Diary

 Chalgrave next Pop Up Tea Room at Tebworth Memorial Hall is on Wednesday 23 November.

The Funeral for Rita Stares will be at Toddington Church, 12.30pm on Thursday 1st December. The service will also be live streamed (link to be released later)

As we reflect on the week ahead, let us take time each day not only to remember and to give thanks for our lives today but to bear in mind the words of Kohima Epitaph which we will hear tomorrow: ' When you go home tell them of us and say, for your tomorrow, we gave our today'

Let us in these challenging times, consider what we can do today to make someone's tomorrow better. 

God bless
