Latest news letter from Linda and Nigel, the ministers

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Hello Everyone

I hope you have had a good week. Nigel and I enjoyed a few days in peaceful and beautiful Norfolk, walking at Blakeney and Cley near Sea. - where I got doused by a freak wave! We visited Blickling Hall on our journey and within minutes were met by a call of 'Linda and Nigel Washington!' Rev Nick Bell who retired some years before to Norfolk from St Mary's Luton, had spotted us. It was good to catch up and to hear of his joys in retirement. Last Sunday Nigel and I attended two moving and beautiful retirement services for Nigel at Harlington and Tingrith and this Sunday heralds Nigel's retirement from Westoning Benefice after 22 years service so, at the point of meeting Nick, we were enwrapped in a world of our own. Could it be that it was a God appointment to meet Nick, who looks so well, and is loving his new ministry as Chaplain to the local Rugby club. He was so full of joy and encouragement. It was very special to see someone whom we respect and miss, looking so well and vibrant with his family and grandchildren. We had two very special days away.

The below is a quote from Nigel's letter to his benefice:

'Well all too quickly for my liking the 4th September has come around and I am called to retire as Vicar of Westoning, Tingrith and Harlington. It is all quite surreal and sad but I trust in a God who has good plans for us all and no doubt there will be exciting days ahead.

Thank you one and all for the support you have given to the Church and to me in my ministry. It has been a privilege to share the good news of Jesus with you.

Please click the below link on Sunday 4th September 2022 from about 10.35am

When you click the link it is important to read the 'PLEASE READ ME' information before viewing.

If you are unable to watch live a further link will be issued later with a recorded version of the service.

I look forward to worshiping with you tomorrow. Please join me if you can.

Every blessing


Revd Canon Nigel Washington

Rector of Westoning, Tingrith and Harlington'

Hopefully, it won't be the last time we see Nigel at Toddington and Chalgrave Benefice. He will still be continuing as a minister within the diocese but on a 'permission to officiate' basis. He will need some time to rest and adjust and space to discern where/what God is calling him to pick up next.

This week's services and events:

Saturday 3 September

2.00 – 4.00 pm Fete in Toddington Church Grounds with stalls, bouncy castle and soft play area.

Sunday 4 September

9.30 am Holy Communion Service, Chalgrave - Linda and Malcolm

11.00 am Morning Praise Service, Toddington - Malcolm

Monday 5 September

9.30 am Morning Prayer service, Toddington Church

Tuesday 6 September

Knitting Group 10.30 am, Wilkinson Hall

Thursday 8 September

2.00 pm Afternoon With Friends, Wilkinson Hall

Friday 9 September

10.30 am Painting for Pleasure Group, Wilkinson Hall

Saturday 10 September

9.30 am Cake stall on the Green

Future services and events

Funeral of John Bryant 10.30 am Monday 12 September in church

Funeral of Ivor Bain 1.00 pm Wednesday 14 September in church

The church will then be closed to the public from 2.30 pm on 14 September until the Petal and Purl preview evening on 16 September so the church displays can be installed for the special Petal and Purl festival.

Petal and Purl festival 16 September preview evening.. tickets from Dee.

Petal and Purl festival 17 and 18 September open days for viewing

Sunday 18 September - a special celebration service at 6.00pm to celebrate Toddington Church's 800 years anniversary which is being marked by the beautiful Petal and Purl festival and to give thanks for the hard work of all who serve, with the Quintet Choir offering a couple of special songs to mark the occasion. The service will also mark a moment in history when the Archdeacon will license me as Rector to Toddington and Chalgrave churches (instead of Priest in Charge). Do please come and join us to give thanks for our churches and to pray for our future ministry.

Wishing you every blessing
