Latest newsletter from Linda, the Rector

Pete Greig article 202405.pdf Download
May Events 2024 1b.pdf Download
Garden Party Poster 20240525.pdf Download
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Hello Everyone

I wonder if you saw the Northern lights display on Friday night? Sadly, I didn't. I was absorbed working at the computer with the curtains closed and didn't pick up my phone in time to see our neighbour's message.. are you awake, come outside! And what a sight I missed. Just 45 minutes too late, sadly. Then, Facebook lit up with so many views from across the country, Toddington, Barton, Renhold and Dorset.. all with stunning pictures of beautiful dancing pink lights filling the skies with people saying they never thought they would see the Northern Lights! It has been a dream of mine to head off North to see the Northern Lights.. and here I was, shut away behind the curtains when there was the most beautiful light show on our doorsteps. Maybe it will return later.. or tomorrow. I hope so.

I wonder what it was like on Ascension Day all those years ago when Jesus Ascended into Heaven?! That must have been the most incredible light show too! Last Thursday, Ascension Day was remembered in the Church Calendar. Many years ago, this day was so important, schools would attend a morning Ascension Day church service and then have a half day holiday to remember Jesus. Now, many people will not have heard of Ascension Day and will not know its significance. Ascension Day falls 40 days after Jesus' resurrection at Easter. During this time, Jesus lived on earth for 40 days and met with over 500 people. He walked with his disciples, talked with them, ate with them, cooked fish for them by the Sea of Galilee, reassured them and prepared them for his departure. In the Church Calendar we now look forward from Ascension Day to the Day of Pentecost. This is the time when the disciples waited patiently for the gift of the Holy Spirit.. the Counsellor, the Comforter, who Jesus promised would come to guide us, so we would not be alone, after He had ascended into Heaven. Pentecost Sunday is in on May 19th. As a church, there is a worldwide calling to pray for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit to refresh the people and the land.

Last Monday and Tuesday, Nigel and I attended the Leadership Conference at the Royal Albert Hall, with visiting speakers from across the world. It was a coming together of leaders from many different nations, with wonderfully rousing worship and testimonies of what God has done in people's lives, bringing healing, and a desire to tell others about Jesus.. particularly among Generation Z - young people aged between about 15 to 25 years of age, who are experiencing an incredible wave of healings and spiritual hunger, combined with prayerful dedication to Jesus. (See attached article from Peter Greig who has seen many of these events). College campuses in America have been swiftly organising conferences to meet the demand from students to learn more about Jesus. Students on these campuses are praying and worshipping for hours and there have been so many baptisms the leader reported that they are still baptising well past young people want to dedicate their lives to Jesus. This is happening in France and many other countries and also in England. The word 'revival' was mentioned many times and at the Conference and we leaders were also called to repent and to pray. and the Albert Hall became a wonderful place of prayer. The movements to prayer begin with a time of repentance and confession.. saying sorry to God for those things that have separated folks from Him. Then cleansed, and in many cases, newly baptised, there has come an energy and a hunger to know more.. a sense of not wanting to miss the moment, of needing to open the curtains not to miss the light show, and to tell others so they don't miss it either!

Here is a link to the Church's call to join the global call to prayer for 'Thy Kingdom to Come' Lord.

The Church of England 5 May at 16:47 · Thy Kingdom Come is a global wave of prayer that takes place between Ascension and Pentecost. Find various ways you can journey through all 11 days of prayer at

At a time of such suffering, sickness and need, with wars and turbulent times.. let us join together in prayer for our young people, our children, our families, friends and colleagues, and for the world; that all people may know the love of Jesus. May crime and wars cease, may drug and people trafficking and addictions cease, may abuse and violence cease, and may we all live in peace together, filled and guided by the Holy Spirit. We heard so many stories of inspirational change, and of miracles at the Conference. The Alpha course has changed so many lives. The Light of Christ is real and the energy of the light show is tangible. Be encouraged! Please pray.. 'thy KIngdom come, O Lord'.

This Sunday's Services: May 12th

9.30 am Holy Communion, Chalgrave Church (followed by this year's APCM meeting, with cuppas and cake!) Do join us!

11.00 am Morning Worship, Toddington Church - led by Malcolm

Other upcoming events and services:

Monday 13th May

9.30 am Morning Prayer, Toddington Church

Tuesday 14th May

10.30 am Knitting Group, Wilkinson Hall

5.45 pm Youth Group, Wilkinson Hall

Wednesday 15th May

9.30 am working party for Church grounds, Toddington Church? (Dee to confirm)

7.00 pm Toddington Annual Parochial Church Meeting, Toddington Church

Thursday 16th May

2.00 pm St George's Fellowship, Wilkinson Hall

Friday 17th May

10.30 am Painting for Pleasure Group, Wilkinson Hall

Sunday 19th May

9.30 am Holy Communion, Chalgrave Church

11.00 am Holy Communion, Toddington Church

6.00 pm Evensong, Toddington Church

I have attached a copy of What's On in May with information about other upcoming events to pop in your diaries. If you would be willing to open your garden this year for Open Gardens Weekend in July, please contact Sue Ballinger, Dee or Fran. Tickets for the Garden Party also available from them as per attached poster.

Thank you so much for all your love, prayer and support.

God bless



Toddington and Chalgrave