Latest newsletter from Linda, the Rector

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Notices Church_news News_about_our_building From_the_Vicar Community_news Advent christmas

Hello Everyone

Christmas approaches quickly. The Christmas Services are in full swing!

The children in school have been very busy this week (and so have their teachers and parents!). Yesterday the young nursery children charmed us with their classroom nativity performance and afterwards parents were able to mingle and make Christmas Crafts with their children. On Monday I attended the early years wonderful 'Wriggly Nativity' performance and found myself with a big smile on my face for the full performance, charmed by the children's skills. On Tuesday, I was privileged to accompany the school choir to Luton and Dunstable hospital and enjoyed hearing them sing to visitors and staff. They did so well and are apparently the only school (so far) to be asked for an encore! On Wednesday morning I was wonderfully enraptured by the year 1 nativity concert which was performed so well.

On Tuesday evening the youth group had their Christmas party making Christingles which were lit and looked beautiful burning brightly in a darkened room for a time of reflection, before folks dived into burgers and goodies to eat. On Wednesday Chalgrave church folk provided a wonderful array of cakes and goodies to enjoy at the Pop Up Tea room which had such a contented happy buzz of conversation. On Thursday afternoon Christmas Messy Church children made Christmas Crafts and helped us set up the table for their tea. Last night we hosted the delightful scout, cub and beaver Christmas carol Service with readings read skillfully by the youngsters, and with lots of fun as Malcolm led us in a brilliant talk.

And now, the weekend approaches. Tonight at 6.00 pm I am very much looking forward to the annual Carols by Candlelight service at Chalgrave Church which has been decorated so beautifully and which will look so beautiful tonight. Thank you to everyone who has helped to decorate the church, and to all who will read lessons this evening. Thank goodness the rain has finally stopped so we can park on the grassed area!

Tomorrow at Toddington we look forward to Toddington Bank Christmas Concert at church at 3.00 pm (but send our condolences to Derek Jones' family on the very sad news of his death).

On Monday Toddington Church hosts their Christmas Lessons and Carols at 7.30 pm (Thank-you to all who will read). On Tuesday we host Parkfields School at two separate Key Stage carol concerts with their accompanying Key Stage choirs. On Wednesday we look forward to hosting the whole lower school in church for the first Church Christmas Concert since I have been in Toddington. Yippee! Exciting!

And then.. a short service breather until Christmas Eve, when we will host an 11.00 am morning benefice service at Toddington, a 4.00 pm Crib service and a 10.00pm Midnight Mass service, and Chalgrave church will host a 2.30 pm Crib Service and an 11.15 pm Midnight Mass.

That 'gently' leads us into a 10.00 am Benefice Christmas Morning service at Toddington.... then.. I am going to sleeeeeppppp for a few hours!

This week we will also be preparing Christmas hamper bags for families who could value some support this Christmas. If you have anything to spare to contribute to a hamper bag, or could spare some cash towards shopping for the items, it would be lovely. Could you please drop off any donations to church either tomorrow or on Monday, or pass payments to Dee or to me? The churches also have a 'love fund' if you would like to make a donation online. The Toddington QR code above will take you to the donation page.

Thank you so much, as always for your wonderful support and help, and for your donations of time, effort, love and care.

With every good wish



Toddington and Chalgrave