Latest news letter from Linda, the Rector

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Hello everyone

The temperatures have dipped suddenly and winter is very much upon us. Christmas activities and services are also approaching quickly.

Nigel and I enjoyed a dark, cold walk at Wrest Park last evening, strolling along a wonderful evening light walk through the grounds, admiring the display of coloured lights which highlighted the trees and buildings. It was very cold and wonderfully atmospheric... and very enjoyable.. but there was no obvious sign of reference to Jesus. 

Next weekend will be the Toddington Church wonderful Christmas Tree festival which is such a highlight of our year with community groups getting together to contribute their creative ideas and decorations. There will be restricted access to the church from Wednesday whilst the trees are installed but the church will be open for prayer. I wonder where we will find Jesus among the trees? There will be so much to see and to admire (with refreshments available in the Hall). We finish on Sunday, carol singing amidst the trees. 

This morning I attended a Christian Breakfast at Frost's garden centre with Fiona Castle speaking about Christmas... and she reflected on how beautiful the centre looks with its twinkling lights and beautiful displays... but then reflected on how so many people celebrate Christmas, and yet have no idea about the person whose birthday we are celebrating. An interesting perspective! 

 This week, I had the privilege to spend special time in the lower school with colleagues from church, telling the children about Mary (the mother of Jesus) and Elizabeth (the mother of John the Baptist) as part of our Christmas Assemblies and on Friday, a team of us from church headed back into school for an afternoon of making Christingles with the children... such a wonderful time! We gathered later with the children for a time of worship.. with them all proudly holding their Christingles as I explained the symbolism of the Christingle..remembering Jesus, the light of the world (the white candle), at the centre. It was a very special afternoon, enjoyed by us all, and I was very grateful to Mr Darlington, and the staff, for making us so welcome.

This afternoon, the Linsdale singers gave a wonderful concert of Christmas songs at church.. definitely with Jesus at the heart. And then I popped along to the Christmas Rotary Afternoon Tea.. which had a lovely happy atmosphere, with people contentedly tapping along to the music, enjoying lovely food and time together. I always love this gathering. Was Jesus visible? He was certainly present in the generosity of the provision and care given by the Rotarians and volunteers who were keen to serve and provide a special time. He was there drawing people together and in the various conversations. He is so often in our interactions and meetings. I wonder where you will find Jesus this week?

Fiona Castle suggested an interesting type of Advent calendar action... to try to do a good deed each day...something that will make someone's day a little brighter. It doesn't need to be much.. and yet it may make all the difference to the person you reach out to. 'What would Jesus do' is an interesting thought each day. Asking God each day to guide us, can bring about some very special moments. 

 May you be blessed, as you reach out and may we have wonderful opportunities to introduce Jesus into people's Christmas this year.

This week's services and events:

Sunday services 3rd December. Advent Sunday

9.30am Holy Communion, Chalgrave Church

11am Holy Communion, Toddington Church

Monday 4th

9.30am Morning Prayer, Toddington church

Tuesday 5th

10.30am Knitting Group Wilkinson Hall

Wednesday 6- Friday 8th

setting up for the Christmas Tree Festival

Friday 8th

Christmas Tree Preview evening with wine and canapes. Tickets need to be pre-booked and cost £10. Contact Fran Brown 01525 872501

Saturday 9th

Christmas Tree Festival 11-5pm entrance £2.50, children free.

Sunday 10th

9.30am service at Chalgrave Church

11am Holy Communion Service Toddington Church

Christmas Tree Festival 1-5pm finishing with carols by the trees. Entrance £2.50, children free.

Upcoming Christmas events:

Tuesday 12th December 5.45pm Youth Group Christmas Party, Wilkinson Hall 

Thursday 14 December 3.30pm Christmas Messy Church, Wilkinson Hall

Friday 15 December 7pm Scout Carol Service

Saturday 16 December 6pm Carols by Candlelight Chalgrave Church

Sunday 17 December 3pm Toddington Band Christmas Concert, Toddington Church

Monday 18 December 7.30pm Nine Lessons and Carols, Toddington Church.

Tuesday 19 December Parkfields Carol services, in church

Wednesday 20 December Toddington St George L S carol service, in church

The church Christmas cards have now arrived and we will be delivering these to homes in Toddington, Tebworth, Wingfield and Chalton. If you have time and energy to deliver some cards, I will be very happy to receive your help! Please send me an email or a text.

(If you, like me, enjoy Christmas Tree Festivals, you may wish to visit Harlington Church festival this Sunday afternoon).

Wishing you a bright and blessed week.


Rev Linda Washington

Rector Toddington and Chalgrave.

07715 603557